Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Clerihew Poems
Mrs. Cartee and Mr.T
I once had teacher named Cartee
I thought she was married to Mr.T
so I thought twice before breaking a rule
Because I figured he would call me a fool
Dakota B.
Kooky Teacher Named Mrs. Bower
There once was a kooky teacher named Mrs. Bowers,
To write a simple poem like this would take her quite a few hours,
Till one day she found hidden powers,
Then she could write stacks of paper taller than towers.
Kyle W.
The Dizzy Lizzy
There once was a girl named Lizzy,
she ran around in circles until she was dizzy.
Then one day she fell down hard on the ground,
and that is how she came across her favorite mound.
Brianne H.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Poetry, Clerihew Poems

Writing Workshop will focus on poetry for the next two weeks. We began working with free verse poems. Students listed topics they were interested in developing. Next, they picked one and worked on a "So What?" This is based on Nancie Atwell's Lessons That Change Writers. Atwell talks about the importance of knowing, "Why are you writing that," and, "what is the point?" She wants writers to think about the lesson, meaning, and/or moral.

Mrs. Bower, the Educational Specialist that is in each day during Writing Workshop to help students, taught about how to write a Clerihew poem. This type of poetry has four lines and is often written about a person. The first two lines rhyme and the last two lines rhyme. The poem is meant to be funny, so after a week of gray days the students enjoyed the "comic relief" that writing them brought.
I once had a teacher named McGuire
Someday he will have to retire
That'll be a sad time when he bids us "Good Bye"
I'm so sure all the cute girls will cry!
Mrs. Bower shared this example for all of the students (and they thought this was soooo funny).
One of the tools we used to help find rhyming words was the website www.rhymezone.com. This website makes it much easier when students choose to write poems that rhyme.

Check back to see some of the best student work!
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Laurelville Reading Board
To comment go to our Reading Board.

This is one of the books that is listed for comments. I know this is one of many sixth grader's favorites, so tell us what you think.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Hear Your Writing

One of the best ways to improve writing is to read aloud your essay. ATandT Research Labs has a program that will read aloud for you. The program, called Text to Speech, reads what is written. This is a great tool to use when revising and editing in Writing Workshop.
According to ATandT:
Text-To-Speech, or TTS for short, is computer software that converts text into audible speech. You can try it yourself on our demo page. See our Home page for more information.
All you have to do is type or paste your writing into the text box (step 2) and click on the Speak button. To try it, just go to here.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Top 10 Thanks for Break
10. Get to go shopping
9. More video game time
8. More TV time
7. 24/7 recess
6. We can eat until we're fat
5. No tests
4. No homework
3. The girls don't have to deal with stupid boys
2. No more writing the Top 10
1. Don't have to fake laugh at Mr. McGuire's bad jokes
Great job to all of the students for all of their lists, except for the #1 reason!

Thursday, November 15, 2007
Thanks at Thanksgiving
November 8, 2007
Dear Grandpa,
I would like to tell you how much I appreciate everything you have done for me. So get ready to be very amazed at my writing about my dedication to you.
I am very grateful when you take me to the camper every weekend. When we go there it's like we are in heaven. The reason why I think it's heaven is because it is just so peaceful there. The birds are always chirping and the deer are always grazing. When we go there we ride around on golf carts. Sometimes we work for the manager or sometimes we fish. I am very grateful because if you did not take me to the camper, I would be watching Addy, or siting in my room really bored. I would probably be planning a prank on Ashlee (Should I use water balloons filled with hot water or the old whipped cream in the hand prank?).
I am grateful that you were always there for me when Dad was not. If you would not have been there for me I would not have had any other boys to have fun with. Like that time in Tar Hollow when this kid laughed at me because I had no Dad around like most kids but I told him that I did have a Dad, my Grandpa. Since then you have been my substitute Dad.
Grandpa I can't tell you how grateful I am. Especially not in this little peace of writing but I am really grateful that you have done all those things for me. Thank you Grandpa.
Your Grandson,
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Thank You Letter from 4th
This act of kindness made working together totally worth it.

Friday, November 9, 2007
3rd Grade Study Island Help
I was especially proud of how the sixth grade "teachers" showed their younger students how to find the correct response when they struggled. The sixth graders did an awesome job helping make the first experience on Study Island a positive learning experience.

Calendar of Events
November 20 Parent Teacher Conferences 4:00-7:30
November 21-26 No School--Thanksgiving Break
November 28-29 Author Sandra J. Phillipson Visits
November 29 Picture Retakes
December 7 Interim Reports
December 13 PTO Meeting @ 3:30
December 14 Holiday Craft Day
December 20 Christmas Break Begins
January 2 School Resumes
January 18 End of 2nd Nine Weeks
Monday, November 5, 2007
Awards Assembly

Today we had the Awards Assembly for the 1st nine weeks. Congratulations to all of the students that received awards. This is one of my favorite days of the school year because students get recognition for all of the hard work and effort they have put into school.

Thursday, November 1, 2007
Halloween Parade
Here are just a few of the weirdos running around town.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Co-writing with 4th Grade

Monday, October 22, 2007
1st Nine Weeks Ending
Students, as always, can check their grades on Engrade to see how they stand.
Opportunities for extra credit are winding down, but here is a chance:
What is the shortest sentence possible?
An answer showing effort is worth 1 point. The correct answer is worth 3 points.
Go for it!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Pumpkin Show

The Pumpkin Show,
The Pumpkin Show,
My oh my, I love it so,
So take my hand and off we'll go
Let's all go to the Pumpkin Show
Ted Lewis wrote this song many years ago and we have reached that point in our school year. It is time for our fall break. Many will be headed to Circleville for the Pumpkin Show. Sixth grade students should be commended for a job well done, so far this year. Students have been working hard, and making good progress. Discipline/behavior problems have been minimal. SSSoooooo--enjoy your break sixth graders!
I am not saying I am going to enjoy it but-take a look at me. I am headed to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan with my beagles for 5 days.
Congrats to our latest Study Island Students of the Day, Haley, Collin, Dillon, and Cody.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Committees For Writing Workshop
The process includes:
Step 1 Thinking, Prewriting, First Draft
Students can either write out the first draft or type it on a computer. If they write it out, they type it before going to step 2.
Step 2 Revision Committee
A member of the Revision Committee reads the first draft and writes down any questions he/she has as they read.
Step 3 Revise Content
Students use the questions to revise and improve the content.
Step 4 Editing Committee
Once students have checked their writing for mistakes, they go over it with a member of the Editing Committee checking for errors in spelling, sentencing, punctuation, and capitalization.
Students clean up mistakes, and print out a clean copy. Students then meet with a different member of the Editing Committee for a final look, checking for any mistakes.
Step 5 Correct Mistakes, Final Draft
Students correct any remaining mistakes, and give their essay a final look.
Students then print a final draft and turn in to be graded.

6-A Revision Committee

6-A Editing Committee

Congratulations to our Study Island Students of the Day, Catherine and Scotty!
Monday, October 8, 2007
Calendar of Events
October 12 Picture Day
October 15-29 PTO Fall Fundraiser
October 17-19 No School Pumpkin Show break
October 26 End of 1st nine weeks
October 31 Halloween Parade @ 1:30
November 2 Grade Cards
November 5 Awards Assembly Grades 4-6 @10:00
November 14 Schoolwide Achievement Night 5:30
November 20 Parent/Teacher Conferences 4:00-7:30
November 21-26 Thanksgiving Break
November 28-29 Author Sandra Philipson Visits
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Study Island

Each day a Study Island Student of the Day is chosen from each class. The winners receive an award certificate, a piece of candy,

You can tell by the look on Shayna's face, that when a student gets "The Chair"
They spend a day in class living in luxury!
Congratulations to today's Study Island Students of the Day--Cail J., Seth R., Molly V., and Chris T.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Reward Recess