Mrs. Riddle, the school principal is forming a school leadership team. Congratulations go out to our sixth grade students that are part of this team--Trevor G., Scotty D., Chris T., Katie W., and Dillon Y.

Ever want a view of paradise? This is as good as it gets.
Laurelville Elementary School
Extra Credit Question--Compare Aiden Falconer from On the Run with a character from another book.
Mr.McGuire I would compare Aiden to Sam in The Time Warp Trio books. Aiden is always worried about what is going to happen to him and his sister. Well, Sam is the same way but he is worried about what is going to happen to him and his friends. That is who I would compare aiden to.
I think Emily is right about Aiden and Sam but I think he's most like Joe. He's always worrying about whats going to happen if he gets captured.
Mr.McGuire I would compare Aiden to Luke from among the Hidden. I would compare Aiden to Luke because Aiden escaped from sunny dale farm which is kinda like a Juevenile Detention Center and Luke is a third child and where Lukes lives third children are not allowed
Mr. McGuire I hope you put comments for extra credit on writing.
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