She was checking her email and received this message from one of her students. It read: “Hi Mrs. Smith. This is John. I had a question about the Hamlet homework you assigned. I am texting you from my cell phone in [in-school suspension].”
The school has a simple cell phone policy: “No cell phones or text messaging during class.” The policy holds true when you are in [in-school suspension] because it is on school grounds. You are in [in-school suspension] to do school work, that is it; no socializing, no talking, no sleeping, no listening to I-pods, and no texting.
The student received 2 extra days of in-school for violating school policy, and for refusing to give up his phone.
Here are my questions:
1. Is it OK to violate school policy if you have a good reason?
2. Did the student really want help, or was he just pretending, just to break school rules?
3. If the student really wanted help, couldn't he have just asked to in-school monitor?
4. Should the teacher have just helped the student (and then violated policy herself)?
5. Should teachers not follow the rules, if it will help a student?
6. Should a parent encourage rule breaking if their son is in the right?
Lots of questions, no sure answers. Your thoughts?
I think that on question number 3 you could have just gotten up and asked for help.
I think that it is OK to break the rule. I think this because if someone accidentally chokes on his or her lunch, you would need a phone to call 911. That is why I think that breaking the rule is OK.
I think at special times it is OK to break the rules. Like if you really have to go to the restroom and your teacher keeps saying no. I say it is OK to go ahead and go.
Hi Mr.MG,
here are my answers to these questions.
1. Is it OK to violate school policy if you have a good reason?
No because that will just lead to lots of fighting. Like one person does it everyone does it.
2. Did the student really want help, or was he just pretending, just to break school rules?
I think he was pretending because he could have just asked the teacher in that room.
3.If the student really wanted help, couldn't he have just asked the in-school monitor?
He didn't really need help that is why he did not ask the in school monitor.
4. Should the teacher have just helped the student (and then violated policy herself)?
No because then she would get in trouble for doing that.
5. Should teachers not follow the rules, if it will help a student?
No because it won't. Teachers should be some one to look up to not because they are taller than you because they went through some of the things you are going through.
6. Should a parent encourage rule breaking if their son is in the right?
NO because 1 what about their daughter and 2 it will just lead to more trouble.
Rule breaking is OK, but only if you have a very good reason.If someone fell down the steps and hurt, you would have to call for help.
I do not think that it is ok to break the school rules. I think this because if you would have a cell phone at school then you would probley be staring down at the cell phone and calling one of your friends. Number 4 on the blog I think that would start to be a problem because it says that the teacher broke the rules also for saying that the kids are aloud to have cell phones at school. Then she would get in trouble also.
If I brought a cell phone to school and my DAD found out then I would be in BIG TROUBLE. But I wouldn't do that. I hope that people will start thinking that you should not have a cell phone a school. If there is an remembrancer then you could just tell your teacher.
I think it is OK to break the rules if it is absolutely necessary, an example of this is if someone is hurt badly and power is out (phones not working) and someone has a cellphone they can call 911.
I think that breaking rules is OK if a good reason to break the rules. For instances if some gets hurt like breaking their arm you can run in the hallway.
Hey anonymous I am just going to correct you.
chan- can
I think breaking the rule is OK sometimes but don't take advantage of it. If you had a cell and you were in the bathroom and your buddy slips and hits his head then you would need to call yeah,but if he gets up laughing then you don't need to call 911. Like on question number 3 you could just go and tell someone that you needed help not text message the teacher and say "hey Mrs. Smith I need help on the homework you assigned last night." So even if you really need help don't break the rules but if it is important you probably can so like I said don't take advantage of it.
I think at certain times it might be OK to break the rules.For example if someone should fall and hurt their self and you are the only one there to help them,you would have to run to get to a phone or to get help.
Sorry there is a "was" in the middle of and and hurt.
When you break a rule you have to face the rules if you don't you can be in a lot of trouble from your parents and the teachers
So, if I understand some of your comments, it is OK to break a rule as long as you have a good reason.
In other words, I am running late getting to Megan's softball game, she is going to be upset if I don't get to the game, the road is clear, so I can drive 70 mph?
I am hungry, my stomach is growling, but I am broke, so it is OK to borrow money out of someone's locker.
I do not think it is a good idea to break the rules, unless it would be something really important that can not be passed up or a serious emergency.In that case it might be okay to break the rules.
Now if someone would break the rules and would lie and say "it was an emergency" or "it was something really serious".They should pay the consequences.
Mr.Mcguire on both of your questions on whether you should break the rules or not,I think that you should not because speeding over the limit even though you are late is wrong, and so is stealing from someone else.On both of the questions you could get in serious trouble.
I think having a cell phone would be OK.
I think this because if someone was hurt and no adult were around you could call 911.
You should follow the rules all the time but if it is a emergency then you can but at the same time it depends on the problems that you are goin though.
I think that sometimes it is ok to break a rule sometimes but you have to have a good reason to. But not in all situations as you break a leg and you have a cell phone you call 911 you shouldnt get in trouble for helping yourself but like I said not in ALL situations. you need help on homework but your in dentition you just ask the monitor to do that for you instead of breaking a rule.
I don't think that in a lot of cases there is a good reason to break the rules. Also there maybe a good reason every once and a while but not all the time. And teacher would and should get in trouble for breaking rules. I think that because teachers should be good role models and in my mind breaking rules is not a good thing.
sorry anonymous is me Shelby C
Mr.McGuire on your comment, you said that if you were late for your daughters softball game and the roads were clear that it would be ok to go 70mph. I think you should still go the speed limit and call her saying you were late. on the other part of your comment I think you should ask that someone your thinking of taking money from if you can borrow it and pay them back later.
Alina Smith
I think that a teacher should be allowed to break a rule once in a while if there is a emergency they need to break the rules.
Kids should be allowed to break a rule now and then if someone is hurt they need to call.
Ok ok ok.CALM DOWN. The only time you should EVER break the school rule is if it is a very,very,very big emergency. Such as if you fall and break a hand or something, that is a serious injury and then you should run for help so it would be there as soon as possible. Or another example just for laughs and giggles, If the main artery in your leg popped and if a classmate didn't run and get help... Well let's just say it wouldn't be a pretty sight! That is my answer to your unanswerable questions!!!!
I think that Mr.McGuire if the road is clear and your late for a game I mean come on It's not like your life depended on it so what do you do I mean we have to follow the rules but if we break one rule like your not raising your hand you're not going to go to jail but if a cop sees you you're busted as I say it but if you blurt an answer you won't have to go to jail you will probably just get told "don't blurt" and if your hungry well you don't STEAL some money out of lockers What if I jaywalk will I get sent to juvenile court NO!! everybody brakes a rule sometimes EVERYBODY!
I don't think breaking the rules are good even if it is a good reason. Rule breaking is very bad no mater where you are at school at work it does not mater. Do not break the rules.
I think educators should either take advantage of this tool or enforce the ban. I thought mp3 players were banned as well, but I see many students in class with "earbuds" hanging out of their ears.
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