The Relay for Life at Laurelville Elementary is moving forward. This week, students will be selling window stars for $1.00 to raise money. All of the stars will be posted in the window of the cafeteria.
VanCuren's Graffics is offering Relay for Life T-shirts for sale. Each shirt is $10.00. For each shirt sold, VanCuren's will donate $5.00 to the cause. These will be gray shirts with a Laurelville Elementary/Relay logo. The T-shirt sale will be May 12 -20. Shirts will be delivered on June 2 so we can wear them at the Relay for Life on June 3.
Relay Calendar
5/12-19 T-shirt sale
5/12-19 Star sale in the cafeteria
5/23 2:45 Relay kickoff for the whole school in the gym—envelopes & letters will go home
6/3 9:00 Turn in envelopes in homeroom
6/3 1:30 Assembly in gym with Relay for Life walk around school grounds to follow
Help the cause and purchase a star for only one dollar. The stars are available in the cafeteria at lunch each day and in the school store.
I'm glad I'm on the leadership team and I really want to try to walk the whole time and stay up all night.
I think the relay for life walk was an excellent idea! The stars are selling like crazy! When I was out there for only 5 minutes I already sold 9 stars. I can't wait for the walk at the fair grounds. I'll show you I can walk all of the 20 hours! I bet I can if I have a hot dog and a mountain dew in my hands!
I am going to try to buy a T-shirt if my dad gives me money and I'll try to buy a star because my grandma Sue died of cancer. I think the relay for life walk at our school was a great idea whoever thought of it.
I think that the Relay for life was a great idea. I am really glad that I am on the leadership team because I really want to help raise money to help find a cure for cancer!!! Like Katie said I want to try to walk the whole time but I know I can stay up the whole night!! I am going to try to buy a star because my Grandma Pat Died from having cancer for so many years and cancer is a horrible sickness that some people get and I want to help to protect them from getting that so they won't have to go through the pain and misery that I watched my grandma go through every day!!!
So people please help with the Relay For Life thing!!!!!!!
I'm going to bye one of the stars next time ok Mr. M :) and ill be at the big walk. so is the big walk for mmmmmmm 6 hours or more. wow thats a long walk my feet will be killing me!! lol But I'm up for it!! I'll do whatever I have to do when we get there! O ya are you going to write something down so we no what time to be there and what day it's going to be on?
But when we go to walk are we going to make sings so other people can see what we are doing. and so there no why we are walking all over the place?
I think the relay is a great idea. It will help raise money to find a cure for cancer. We need to find a cure for cancer for the victims of cancer. It's not like a cure is just gonna fall out of the sky!
I'm glad the hole school is going to walk for the relay for life. I really wonted to be apart of the leadership team because it meant a lot to me. I what to do So bad but I will give some money for the relay for life and I will bey a shirt and triy to rays money for the relay for life.
Mr. McGuire,
I think that the relay for life is a great idea. It is one of the greatest ideas to fight cancer (well I think). Then scientists can take the money and make some treatment for the cancer. I am glad I got picked to help participate and be able to walk the 20 hour long walk at the Pickaway county fair grounds in July. Thanks for letting us do such a cool thing!!!
Oh and I am going to try to walk the whole 20 hours with a coffee with extra cream and sugar, maybe a French vanilla cappuccino,Pepsi,or Mountain dew. I am aiming for the things that have caffeine in them because that is what keep people up and awake. That is why you see teachers drinking 8 "0" Clock Coffee or Pepsi.
Good luck to anybody who think that they can walk for 20 hours non-stop.
I'm glad that I was accepted into the relay for life team. I can't wait to help out. Also I will be trying to donate money.
I was not sure if my family was affected by cancer or not.
After talking with my Mom I found out that my Great Aunt and Uncle suffered from cancer. I'm glad to help out in any way.I hope everything is succsesful.
I think that this was a good idea,because my mom's boyfriends sister has cancer she is on cemo.
I think this is a great idea! I had a grandmother that had cancer and my mom works with kids that have cancer, they could really use our help.
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