This system has an advantage over a regular journal in that the writer has an audience. Everything written will be read daily. Also, with a peer to share ideas, comments, opinions, and information, it means more. Whether students write about books, school, friends, hobbies, family, or any other topic, they know a reader cares about what they have to say.
I originally did this project with composition notebooks that students shared. Now, with the technology available in Reading Workshop, students keep a common Open Office Word file saved on our file server. They can each write to the file from anywhere in the school. Because there is a computer for each student, they can access their file during class each day, read their partner's post, and respond.
This is a great motivator for students. After all, what does every writer want? To be read, of course.
I think that the two person journal is a really near thing that we are doing class. It can be used to meet someone new and find out who the other person is.
It's nice to have a chatting system in school that way we can get to know and understand each other. I know I got to know a lot about my partner.
I think that this two person journal is really cool. I think that the journal is something that all the students would like.This is a really good idea.
I think it's really fun!! I'm writing to kyah but i already no a lot about her lol i think.
I think a two person journal is neat because you get two communicate with another kid. Plus you get two know them better. I think it was a neat thing to do.
I think this is a good way to make friends. Also to see if any one is like you,or see if you share a hobby with some one.
I think this Two person journal thing Is pretty cool. It gives us a chance to lern more about each other and have fun talking back in forth with each other and get a grade for it! =D
I like the idea of the two person journal. I already know a lot about my partner but, I'm learning some new things about him. I think that this is a really good thing to do in language arts class.
Mr. McGuire I think that this thing well the "Two Person Journal" I love it I think that this is the most well I should say it is awesome. I think that this is ssooooo awesome because, it will help get to know a lot more about that person and you can have a conversation with them to like.
Ask questions!!!
I love to do this because we can find out what other people think on a topic. It is very interesting. Now I know Cat better than ever.
Mr.McGuire I love the two person journal because I am with my best friend. It is so much fun. I think that me and Shayna can talk about anything on there without anybody knowing what we are talking about.
I like doing the two person journal because it lets you learn more about someone that maybe you never you used to talk to before. I also like the two person journal because you get o have fun talking o your partner but you get a grade for it to.I am talking to Baylie and we have already found some things we have in common like she likes to ride horses and so do I. We have found some differences to, her favorite food is tacos and mine is pepperoni with extra cheese pizza.
The two person journal is a great way to get to know your peers. My partner is very interesting person. Her style kind of expresses her in way that doesn't seem like her. But in a way it kind of does! I think this is a great way to learn more about people that you thought you knew. Or people you didn't know. I like this idea a lot because I get to learn something new everyday about a person I never knew a lot about!
I like doing this a lot. I learn more about my friend and he learns more about me. We should have done this a long time ago. It is nice to talk to your friend on the two person journal.
I think that this was a good idea, me and Hannah are doing good so far. I would like to be able to every Friday go through and write more on what ever topic or start a topic of your choice.
I think this Two Person Journal is awesome. The reason I think it is awesome is because I hardly know my partner but now I know a whole lot more about her. I found out that she likes to go fishing with her Grandpa I thought that was weird because I like to go fishing with my Grandpa.
I think this two person journal is like really clever, and by the way Mr. McGuire, how did you come up with this?
The two person journal is very fun. It is nice to learn different things and some new things about your partner. I get to talk and say all the things that I would not say in person.
Very creative! It sounds like the students enjoyed the lesson as well!
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