I had an interesting conversation with a student yesterday. We were talking about being smart or being dumb. Is it a choice? It seems to me if you make smart choices in school, you will learn and become smarter. If you make dumb choices like not doing your work, not studying, and don't learn, you won't get any smarter.
What do you think? Will making smart choices as a student make a smarter adult? Can you control how smart you are? How much does hard work and responsibility have to do with getting to Smarter. Or, do you just get so much brain power and that is it?
Can you choose the road to Smarter? If you don't choose, do you crash into Dumberville?
What about when you choose the right road, you are getting smarter, and then this happens?

Have you mapped out your road to success? Where are you headed? Do you have a goal of someday living in Smarter? It may just be a rumor, but I heard that the people in Smarter have better jobs, make more money, have nicer houses, and drive newer cars. Anyone know if this is true?
Yes,I am on my way to smarter. I am going to try harder this year. Last year I didn't do my best. This year I'm going to try to get good grades. I what to get good grades because I want a successful future.
So this is were you will be if you doe not read ha i hop i don't go there
I think the only way you know your on a road to smarter is if you know your leaning more. So if you don't know your leaning and you don't know what way to go then try to make your self know your leaning more. I think I'm on the road to smarter because I know I'm leaning more and more each day.
I think that if you make really good choices then you probably will become a Good adult. If you just sit and do nothing threw out your life then you probably won't have a nice house and everything else everyone would like to have. Everyone could be on the road to smarter If they want to.
I have been on the road to smarter. It was just hard finding my way to it, but I achieved it. I don't know how long I've been on it. The only way I'll be glad is if I stay achieved.
I hope I am on the rode to smartervill if not then I need to get on that rode.Because I hope to get good grades this year in every class.
I am going to take the smart path. If I don't take the smart path it would be very hard to get into a college. If you take the dumb path then you will hit a wall and not get anywhere in life If you have the choice to be dumb or smart you should pick smart.Being dumb would be just as hard as being smart. If you are smart you will have a better house a better job and more money. so if I was you i would pick to be smart.
My dad can hardly read.But he is a drop out. My brother Mat can hardly read either. I do not want to end up like my Dad or Brother.
Mr.McGuire that is a good point about what road you want to take because you can choose if you want to go down the path where there is a stop or you can go down the path where the road just keeps on going and learn new thing's.It is your choice whether you learn something new or you can choose you not learn and when you grow up you won't know how to read a restaurant menu. so what is the point of not learning something and you suffer the consequences when you grow up and you want to learn then you should have learned when you were younger.
I believe a smarter child makes a smarter adult. I want every one to now that you can make your own choices.
I have a goal to be a veterinarian when
I grow up. But I have to achieve in school that means I have to good in my classes to set that goal. I want to do good in school so I can get what I want in life.
1. Yes I'm on the way to the road to smarter. I'm my best to get smarter and learn.2. yes I'm on my way to live smarter. I will listen to the teacher to get a good job and get a nice family and house.3. yes you do live better if you are smarter and live nice cause you can do a good job.
I do think i am on the road to smarter and when i grow up i wanna be a very smart person and have a nice house and a nice car.
I think I'm on a perfect road so far. I hope this year I can do a lot better than last year.One way you know you on a good road is if you get good grades and study more than normal.Just think how boring life would be with out a good job and house, it would be really boring. I hope I'm on the road to smarter.
Yes, I know I am on the road to getting smarter. I know that because I am learning new things every day. I do think that it is a own persons fault if you are not smart, I also would blame parents for not working with there child.
This year has been going good. I hope it keeps going well. I want to make this the best year ever.
I hope I am on the way to smartvill. I thing I am doing good in school so far. I will try to keep up the good work. My goal is to do good in school.
I think that when you're getting smarter and then you hit a dead end is because you think you're smart enough to just quit doing your work. I think that people like this just need think about how they crashed and get back on track. I know people that took the wrong road and people who took the right road. I agree with Mr.McGuire, people who make the right choices are more likely to succeed.
Dear Mr.McGuire ,
Here are three ways reading with a parent is a good idea. First parents will know what is going on in their child's book. Second parents will know how their child is doing in silent reading. Last parents will know how long their child read for a certain time. That was three ways reading is good with a parent.
I hope I take the right road to smarter and get a nice job!
I think I am on the way to being smarter . I have had good grades I listen in class and I don't get in a lot trouble. So I think I am on my way to smarter town.
Yes, I would say that I have mapped out the road that I am going to take. I would say that I am going to go to a good college, and get a good job that way I can make lots of money.
I don't think that all rich people are always smart. I think this because some stupid people are born rich.
I agree with you, not all rich people are smart.
BUT, if you make the right choices, and you get a good education, you will make more money than if you make bad decisions and drop out of school.
Yes, I hope I am on the road to smarter..I will try my best to at least get there.
It seems to me that if we try our best, we are already half way there!
Yeah, I think I am on the road to smarter Mr. McGuire. I am doing really good in Jr. High including language arts!
I wondered where you have been, and how you are doing. I am sure you are on the road to Smarter. I am glad that jr. high is going well. Thanks for commenting and stop back often.
I am kayla's cousin. I am 11years old. I am in 5th grade.In my school I think I am on the way to smarter.I really like your blog.I liked reading all of the coments all of them are great.
I am kayla m sisterI am 8 years old .My name is Megan. I thinkI am on the way to smarter at least I think. I love the posts.
I am glad you joined our blog.
Welcome to the blog. When there is a post about reading class at Laurelville, I hope you will comment about differences from your school.
I sure hope I'm on the road to smarter! Because if on I'm the road to dumber I will never make enough money to keep me alive. Plus I don't want to be a bum.
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