What started as a conversation about what students would read over break, turned in to an unbelievable accomplishment for one class. Students piled up on books the last day, as they prepared to leave for winter break. BUT, I never would have dreamt that they could read anything close to the amount that they read. In fact, 80% of the students earned an A for their read at home grade.
Even more surprising is the total minutes read by a number of students. As I looked over reading logs, student after student totaled up a significant amount of reading and a great collection of books.
Here is a tally of the top readers:
Taylor 465 minutes
Desire' 690 minutes
Kyndrah 1,000 minutes
Collin 664 minutes
Christian W. 1,115 minutes
Heather 1,448 minutes
Tyler S. 445 minutes
Rachael 361 minutes
Students from some of the other classes racked up the minutes:
Jessica 455 minutes
Emma 450 minutes
Kara 544 minutes
Makayla 520 minutes
Corbit 403 minutes
Ryan 511 minutes
Lily 685 minutes
Students from some of the other classes racked up the minutes:
Jessica 455 minutes
Emma 450 minutes
Kara 544 minutes
Makayla 520 minutes
Corbit 403 minutes
Ryan 511 minutes
Lily 685 minutes
One thing that I know for sure, these students will have a lot of academic successes ahead. Students that read this much will benefit from an ever increasing vocabulary, increased knowledge, and a broader view of the world. Great job to this bunch of unbelievable readers.
I think that everyone is finally starting to read more Mr.McGuire! I think that it is because family's have more time on there hands, because of the low stock market. So, kids are stuck sitting at home with nothing to do besides sit at home and watch TV. I mean, I know that we didn't get any snow to sled in yet just a bunch of rain.
With me being one of the readers who read a lot I would say that in those three weeks my reading became faster and more fluent. I think that I will start reading harder and harder books by the end of the year. Hopefully most of the students in this school will want to read more and harder books after we did.
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