I didn't notice the shirt when he walked in the room. In fact, I probably wouldn't have ever noticed it if it hadn't been pointed out to me. When I first looked at it, I didn't even know what to say. It was probably bought as a joke, by a parent or family member just trying to be funny. Or maybe they thought it was cute.
Students wear shirts all of the time with sayings on them. Sometimes almost every shirt in the room has something on it--at the least a company logo. Shirts with sayings are so common that no one really pays that much attention to them any more. But what if the saying is a badge that a student wears bragging about failure? What if the motto is one that the student lives?
I don't think I like this T-shirt. I don't like it when a student slacks, and bragging about it irks me. Hard work and a positive attitude mean a lot in this life. Living with passion means even more. You might say I am being irritable and grouchy. You might say I need to lighten up and have a sense of humor.
Well, I say, you should have cared yesterday. You should care today. And I sure hope you care tomorrow. Live life to the fullest. Work hard and play hard. Live with life with a gusto. No matter what you do, go for it.

Well, I say, you should have cared yesterday. You should care today. And I sure hope you care tomorrow. Live life to the fullest. Work hard and play hard. Live with life with a gusto. No matter what you do, go for it.
That is a funny saying Mr.McGuire.But it's probably true:)
I hope that the saying on the shirt is not true but it could be.
I think the shirt is funny but I think that it does have alot to do with the personality of the person wearing it. I will think twice before I wear a shirt like that. I don't people to think I'm a slacker.
I think the shirt is funny and it does fit my personality because I really didn't care yesterday don't care today and probably won't care tomorrow. So I would wear the shirt to give every one a good laugh.
I love this shirt. Still though the person that was wearing it should still care. I would wear a shirt like this if it was a different color but I would still care about things like my work though.
I do care and always will because I'm looking forward to going to college. I want to go to college because I would like to have a nice car and then a house and a job. I wouldn't want to be living on the streets and be trying to hitch a ride. That would be really bad. You know if you try hitching a ride you could get kidnapped. I don't want kidnapped I would rather have my own house, job, and car.
Didn't care yesterday don't care today and probably won't care tomorrow T shirt is what I think about School. I got a few laughs out of that.
I like this shirt it looks cool but I do care because I need to go to college and get a good job for my life.
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