What did you learn taking the practice Reading OAT?
Jessika--I learned to highlight important questions. Actually read the passage. Don't skip questions.
Paitaan--What I learned was to underline keywords. Plus reread the questions.
Kyndrah--I learned that if you take your time and slow down you get more questions right, even if you are the last one.
Rachael--I learned that there are going to be some unexpected questions on the OAT, and that I have to be prepared for it!!!! I also learned that if you don't read the question carefully you have a better chance of missing it!
What was easy for you taking the practice Reading OAT?
Kara--The thing that was easy for me was all that I had to do was think back to what we did in class and I remembered what we did and the things you told us to do and so I did that.
Kayla--The easiest part of the whole test is the multiple choice questions. The reason why is because you have things to chose from. If you don't get the questions and you eliminate answers, it is easy to find the right answer.
Desire'--The easiest part was the multiple choice. The multiple choice was the easiest because all of the answers were in the passage.
What part of the test was difficult for you on the practice Reading OAT?
Makayla--The most difficult questions on the test were the extended response.
Trindi--The part that I thought that was difficult was were you had to find out what the word meant.
Sarah--The most difficult for me was the extended response questions because I didn't know if I was getting everything that the question asked. Mainly because I didn't read the passage enough times for it to sink in.
Christian S.-- The fact that some of the questions were hard to understand.
What would help you score better on the OAT?
Samantha--If I reread more and highlight more, that would help me.
Destiny--If I go over and check my answers when I am done.
Bailey--To go back in the passage and to read stuff all the way through.
Ty A.--Candy while I'm taking the test.
What other information should I know about the Reading OAT?
Taylor--I think we should work more on the responses. Because I heard at least 3 or 4 people say that the responses were hard, and they were I can't lie.
Austin--Something that you should know about is that practicing restating the question really helped.
On a scale of 1 - 10, how hard did you think the Reading OAT was?
The average was 5.56.
It's a good thing we know all this or we wouldn't know that much. We probably wouldn't even know it if it wasn't for teachers.
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