This video by Lee LeFever of Common Craft explains what a blog is, and how it works.
Getting a blog is easy. All you need is an email address. You can sign up at Blogger, Wordpress, or Edublogs. Blogger and Wordpress are free. Edublogs is free but has ads on it. All are fairly easy to use and have similar features. One disadvantage of Blogger is on the top of each page there is a Next Blog link which will sometimes take you to inappropriate sites for a school blog. You can disable this using HTML code in the layout.

I prefer Compfight Images because it uses the library from Flikr, but has a filter that keeps the pictures student safe. You can also choose the picture size. I prefer the small size--usually around 200 x 200 pixels. Just save them to your computer (right click and then save as). Then, click on the image button on the new post tool bar, and upload to your blog. Be sure to give credit to the photographer.
Whether a blog is used as a means to communicate with parents, as part of instruction, or to improve students' writing skills they are a valuable tool for all teachers.
Image from
Found you through Top Ed Blogs google search. Great blog! Love the Common Craft video. 25 year educator, with 14 of those as a school principal. Was laid off in July 09 from a consultant job with Kaplan. Still job searching. Started blogging in 12/09 about my passion as Teachingwithsoul about IMET:Inspiring,mentoring, equipping teachers. Getting a custom blog and domain name. Will be back!
Thank you for reading. Stop back soon!
Excellent tips and tricks for beginners who want to start blogging! Wish I had this guidance when I was getting started. Well done, sending some new-to-blogging your way.
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