Thanksgiving is here and there are a lot of turkeys in this neighborhood and I am thankful for all of them. Well, I am thankful for most of them. Well, I am thankful for some of them. Well, I am thankful for a few of them.
Well anyway, the things I am thankful for include:
- Sara's big smile walks in my door every day.
- I have this really weird class that wants to be here.
- I can do a little of the Cupid Shuffle with the class and I don't even need Advil.
- Lucas #3 is just as nice as Lucas #1 & #2.
- I can blog and eat oreos at the same time.
- Mrs. Scott stops by every day for a little aggravation.
- I have some oreos.
- Thelma is still cooking in the cafeteria.
- Hines #4 (or is it #5) works just as hard as all of the others.
- Ridge sings better than his siblings.
- Megan, Tyler H., and Andrew really are that nice.
- Brook and Dawn are actually starting to talk.
- Kyra smiles and dances and shakes and makes all kind of weird motions when she sings.
- Heath likes to read.
- Caitlin has such a super attitude.
- Jessica and Cassie are becoming a great writers.
- Austin, Tyler, Alex, and Jakob are working so hard.
- Dylan laughs at my jokes (at least he did one time).
- Belle can still think even though she spends half her time upside down.
- Danny's name keeps popping up in the lyrics of songs we are singing.
- Shala is an assistant teacher and helps everyone with their blog.
- The little Queen hasn't been too bossy.
- Sabrina is in a good mood today, and yesterday, and the day before, and...
- Students are selling candy bars for camp so I can put back on the pounds just in time for the hollidays.
- Ms. Bowlby is still teaching here so I am not the oldest teacher in the building.
- Ms. Fraley is teaching here so I am not the weirdest teacher in the building.
- Mrs. Stevenson is still teaching here so I am not the grayest teacher in the building.
- Mrs. Griffey is still teaching here so I definitely am not the biggest drama queen in the building.
- Nick and Cade aren't as hot as they think they are (otherwise their chairs would catch on fire).
- Students love blogging (that makes them work hard and they don't even know it).
- We got some $$$ to buy new books.
- Diet Mt. Dew is a health food.
- The arm Mark broke chasing his girlfriend has healed.
- Lindsey's brain transplant surgery was successful.
- Heidi smiled at me last week.
- The Bengals have the worst team in the NFL and T.O., Chad O., and Pacman play for them.
- I can look out the window, from my desk and see two flags waving in the breeze.

Have a happy Thanksgiving!
Image from
Hey Mr. McGuire what about me?!!!!!
I'm thankful for calculators because without them god knows what my grade in math would be!
I'm also thankful for Xbox 360
and Halo Reach and Call of Duty Black Opps!
p.s. All you 6th graders will have a blast next year!!!
Have a Happy Thanksgiving Mr. McGuire.
Ian, of course I am thankful for you! You made last year fun.
Well I'm never bossy thank you very much!! Any ways I agree that the Bengals have been the worst NFL team. The Steelers have been the best.
I am thankful to have all of my friends,family, and teachers.
Happy Thanksgiving to you too, Alex!
Alison, I know you are not bossy but the Little Queen sure is. Enjoy your vacation.
Hey Mr. McGuire, nice post!!! The Browns are doing pretty good this year! (at LEAST better than the Bengals :)) And what about me?! Don't I deserve to be on this list since I am your favorite student ever?! ;)
Hey Mr.McGuire, I am thankful for my 6th grade Language Arts teacher that taught me everything I need to know to be in ADVANCED Language Arts! I hope you have a good break!
I guess it got left off somehow so here it is:
I'm thankful for the girl that read 1,000 books in a single school year to show me what is possible.
Hey Hannah Hop, I wish I could take all of the credit for your success, but you are in Advanced L.A. because of your ability. You give me something else to be thankful for--former students that just keep growing and learning! Keep up the great work.
Thanks Mr.McGuire I try my very best to be nice.
I'm thankful that I have such a nice and funny teacher.
P.S. I hope you had a great Thanksgiving brake.
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