Reading Workshop students, what do you think of school? Are you excited each morning to come to school? And, if not, if you think school is boring, whose fault is it?
Do you live every day to get the most out of it? Do you walk around thinking positive and ready to have fun?
Do you have a smile on your face? Do people look forward to seeing you? Do you look forward to seeing people at school?
Image from http://missrosemary.net/2010/06/
I am very bored with school Mr.McGuire But I will try my hardest. I look forward to it. I just go do what I have to do then go home and kick back and relax but the only reason I look forward to It is to see you!!!
I think school can be fun and boring. It can be fun when we do something exciting and it can be boring when we have to do a lot of work. I usually have a smile on my face unless i'm not looking forward to the day. I don't know if people looking forward to seeing me but I look forward to seeing my friends. I think that I control my self when i'm at school but if your doing something bad or stupid the teachers will be in control of you.
I wouldn't say I'm exactly excited about coming to school, but I don't hate it either. Most of the time I do look forward to coming to school. I don't think it's that bad. I do think some subjects are boring just because I don't like them. So I'd say it's my fault. But most of them are fun. I'm usually thinking positive. There's really only one class that I don't think too positive about. I'm usually thinking classes are going to be fun, unless, like I said I don't like them. I'm most likely to be seen with a smile on my face. I don't know if people look forward to seeing me but I look forward to seeing my friends and teachers!
I think some subjects are boring but not all.I like to go to school sometimes it depends on how I'm feeling.I like going to school to see my friends.The days I don't want to come to school are Wednesday and Thursday.The days I like to come to school are Monday,Tuesday and Friday. I like social studies and reading workshop.
I think this school year is awesome. One reason is, because all of our teachers are funny, and they teach us really well. Another is the teachers make everything so fun. That is why I enjoy coming to Laurelville, because of this. School at Laurelville is not BOREDOM at all. I am so glad, because of this. Another is all of the kids are nice. The first time I came here every one was really nice to me.
I don't know about other kids, but this school year is AWESOME. If you do enjoy coming to school here I don't know what is wrong with you.
Sometimes I like to go to school but sometimes I don't want to go to school. I like to come on school Monday, Wednesday,and Fridays alot. I like the Reading Workshop a lot. It is a lot of fun when we are on it. Most of the time I walk around thinking positive. I always have fun at school every day I come. I look forward to see my friends at school all the time.
I always have a blast in your room Mr.McGuire because you always make me laugh when I am in your class and you make class alot of fun for me.
My opinion about school is that I like it sometimes and the only reason I don't, sometimes is because some people are mean to me and it is not because of the teachers either.
It depends if I know if it is going to be a good day or not if it is not then I really don't want to come to school and it is like everyday I don't want to come to school because I know that some kids are going to be mean to me.
well I know it is my fault but then I don't know why because I don't do anything to anybody.
I think I will have a fun day but then it turns out BAD.
The first part of school I have a smile on my face.
I am pretty sure there are only one to look forward to seeing me is my best friend Gabrielle. yes I do then I don't.
I think that school is a place that people teach you new things that will help you later in life. I'm not always excited to come to school because I feel that we are at school with teachers and kids more than we are at home with our family. Say for example we are at school from 6 to 8 hours a day witch means that we get up at say 7:30am. We leave at 8:45am. We don't really get home till 4:00pm. we go to bed at 9:30pm., But when we get home we have homework and that takes time. We don't even really spend much time with our families. Some teachers complain about the kids complaining that they didn't get enough sleep well we really didn't in my point of view. I try to live everyday to get they most out of it. No I do not walk around with positive thoughts I only have negative thoughts. I also do not walk around with a smile on my face all the time just mostly. My friends I think look forward to seeing me I look forward to seeing them.
I really enjoy school some days but not all, like if we have a hard test that day I don't really enjoy school then. I am excited to come to school every day and I like to see my friends like Lexi,Jack,Tristan,Jordan,Caleb and the rest of my friends at our school. I also think that they look forward to seeing me too. I always have a smile on my face when I walk into the school building I like seeing my friends and the teachers faces when they see me while I walk into the building. I don't really think that I live everyday to get the most out of it, because when I am in some classes I talk while I could be learning something new, I also don't live the most out of everyday because I am not always laughing at things that I think are funny and that makes some people feel sad that I don't laugh at their jokes. Yes I do walk around thinking positive and having fun and that is a big reason while I do like school it is a place to think positive and to have fun! My favorite thing to do is sing while we are in class,and that helps me have all the fun that I do. I am in control of myself because I can make myself not have fun and be bored at class but I do have fun, I also can control if I am learning or not and most of the time I am learning though, and I also can control myself to not bully people and to not get into fights.
I don't think school is boring as long as you don't have a boring teacher like teachers that just have you sit in a classroom all day while they talk about the subject because if you have that kind of teacher who never does anything fun then class is very boring. Another way school is boring is if I am in a grumpy or bad mood. So it can be both the teachers and your own fault if class is boring.
I don't think that school is that boring. If I was not in a good mood I would make school boring for me.I think that it's never the teachers fault, unless they...... well I guess it's not there fault at all. Mr.McGuire, Mrs.Bolby,and Mrs.Harrel are not boring. The only way to make your day or day's boring is for you to be in a bad mood.The only person I look forward to seeing is by best friend ceara.
When I am in school I'm usually never bored unless we are learning about something we have been learning about for the past few years. I always look forward to seeing all my friends at school and to get to school and start learning. When I come into school I always have a smile on face because I know that day is going to be a good one. I try my hardest to make sure I understand everything the teacher is talking about. The class that bores me the most is math. I think I get really bored in math because we learn the same things over and over every year. We have been learning about fractions since third grade and we are still learning about them in sixth. If I am learning about something new then I never get bored. Like in social studies when we learn about the Mesopotamian food sources and technologies. I only get bored in social studies when we are learning about governments. I think positive all the time and am ready to have fun. The only time I am not wanting to go to school is on the weekends or when I have had a really bad morning. If I wake up an hour or two early I don't want to go to school because I'm too tired.
I am not bored with school.School is boring sometimes but everyday i learn something new that i did not know.So i don't think that school is boring at all.Everyday in the morning i always look forward to coming to school and seeing all of my friends.In the morning.I am actually excited to come to school every morning with a smile on my face because i do not think that school is boring when i get to see all of my classmates and my teacher.The only thing that i do not like about school is in the morning when i get up i do not want to get up to go to school at that early in the morning i would rather sleep in.School is fun some times especially when we do fun things in school.When i wake up i the morning i am happy that it is a new day i get to learn something new every day.I mean school is the the funnest thing ever in my life but it is not the worst thing because i am learning from it.Think about it if we did not have school a lot of things would be different.I try my hardest on all of my assignments and my class work.I come to school with a smile on my face because i know that it is going to be a good day and i am going to learn something.I look forward to seeing a lot of my classmates and i hope some of them look forward to seeing me.I like school a lot all of the time i think positive throughout the day.When i come in the classroom door in the morning i have a smile on my face and and ready to learn and to have a good day with everyone.So i do not think that school is all that bad.I also try to live the new day at its fullest everyday with everyone.
What I think of School is that it is a place to learn thing that you will need later in life!No I am not excited each morning to come to school I would rather sleep in and watch T.V.!I don't walk around thinking positive thoughts about school who would? School is boring.I mean the only time I am happy about school is when we are having a field trip or it is Friday and I get to go home and not come back until Monday.I look forward to seeing all my friends when I come to school and they look forward to see me and I don't have a smile on my face when I have to come to school my favorite subject would have to be social studies and science but math I can hardly understand half the time when I am there I just want to die cause I mean I get math but it is like the most boring part about school.
I am going to answer each question in oder.
1.I think school is kind of cool.
2.I love school but not like Lexi.(I think!)
3.I think school is very hard and I KNOW it is the state of Ohio's fault.
5.Almost all the time.
(Expect for when i am in pain or stuff like that)
6.Same as 5.
9.everyone (That was on purpose)
I enjoy school and seeing my friends. I don't like some of the assignments though. I like language arts science and social studies but I don't like math. I have a positive attitude most of the time I come to school. I do have a smile on my face when I come to school. I sure hope that my friends look forward to seeing me at school because I look forward to seeing them. I do think positive of school and I do have fun. I am exited about coming to school every morning unless I don't get enough sleep or I just wake up on the wrong side of the bed.
I like school it is a chance to get away from home. I look forward to coming to school every day and I always come inside with a big smile on my face.
I don't think school is boring as long as you don't have a boring teacher like teachers that just have you sit in a classroom all day while they talk about the subject because if you have that kind of teacher who never does anything fun then class is very boring. Another way school is boring is if I am in a grumpy or bad mood. So it can be both the teachers and your own fault if class is boring.
I like school a little because if I was home schooled I wouldn't have the friends I have now.Also because we learn new things everyday and I like looking forward to seeing people when I come in.
I am going to answer each question in oder.
1.I think school is kind of cool.
2.I love school but not like Lexi.(I think!)
3.I think school is very hard and I KNOW it is the state of Ohio's fault.
5.Almost all the time.
(Expect for when i am in pain or stuff like that)
6.Same as 5.
9.everyone (That was on purpose)I am going to answer each question in oder.
1.I think school is kind of cool.
2.I love school but not like Lexi.(I think!)
3.I think school is very hard and I KNOW it is the state of Ohio's fault.
5.Almost all the time.
(Expect for when i am in pain or stuff like that)
6.Same as 5.
9.everyone (That was on purpose)
I think school is boring in a way like if you have to so many things and you already know how to do it. Another thing is when you have to do research it's not because its hard it's because you have to use goggle and that is boring and using a textbook is boring to. I like my teachers except one it's like every time you ask if you can use the bathroom it's no or you have owe 5 minutes on the wall so I don't want to come to school then. Another thing is that you go ask for a drink and they say no but they can have a drink back at their desk. I mean if you can't use the bathroom want do they want you to do have an accident. I am glad that my home room teach is not like that because I have him in the morning and for language arts and social studies so I thank those teachers because they let you go when you need to. That is why I hate school. The only thing I like about school is that I can talk to my friends and when we do fun projects and recess.
I really enjoy school some days but not all, like if we have a hard test that day I don't really enjoy school then. I am excited to come to school every day and I like to see my friends like Lexi,Jack,Tristan,Jordan,Caleb and the rest of my friends at our school. I also think that they look forward to seeing me too. I always have a smile on my face when I walk into the school building I like seeing my friends and the teachers faces when they see me while I walk into the building. I don't really think that I live everyday to get the most out of it, because when I am in some classes I talk while I could be learning something new,I also don't live the most out of everyday because I am not always laughing at things that I think are funny and that makes some people feel sad that I don't laugh at their jokes. Yes I do walk around thinking positive and having fun and that is a big reason while I do like school it is a place to think positive and to have fun my favorite thing to do is sing while we are in class.I am in control of myself because I can make myself not have fun and be bored at class but I do have fun, I also can control if I am learning or not and most of the time I am learning though, and I also can control myself to not bully people and to not get into fights.
When I am in school I'm usually never bored unless we are learning about something we have been learning about for the past few years. I always look forward to seeing all my friends at school and to get to school and start learning. When I come into school I always have a smile on face because I know that day is going to be a good one. I try my hardest to make sure I understand everything the teacher is talking about. The class that bores me the most is math. I think I get really bored in math because we learn the same things over and over every year. We have been learning about fractions since third grade and we are still learning about them in sixth. If I am learning about something new then I never get bored. Like in social studies when we learn about the Mesopotamian food sources and technologies. I only get bored in social studies when we are learning about governments. I think positive all the time and am ready to have fun. The only time I am not wanting to go to school is on the weekends or when I have had a really bad morning. If I wake up an hour or two early I don't want to go to school because I'm too tired.
I am not bored with school.School is boring sometimes but everyday I learn something new that I did not know.So I don't think that school is boring at all.Everyday in the morning I always look forward to coming to school and seeing all of my friends.In the morning.I am actually excited to come to school every morning with a smile on my face because I do not think that school is boring when I get to see all of my classmates and my teacher.The only thing that I do not like about school is in the morning when I get up I do not want to get up to go to school at that early in the morning I would rather sleep in.School is fun some times especially when we do fun things in school.When I wake up I the morning I am happy that it is a new day I get to learn something new every day.I mean school is the funnest thing ever in my life but it is not the worst thing because I am learning from it.Think about it if we did not have school a lot of things would be different.I try my hardest on all of my assignments and my class work.I come to school with a smile on my face because I know that it is going to be a good day and I am going to learn something.I look forward to seeing a lot of my classmates and I hope some of them look forward to seeing me.I like school a lot all the time i think positive throughout the day.When i come in the classroom door in the morning i have a smile on my face and ready to learn and to have a good day with everyone.So i do not think that school is all that bad.I also try to live the new day at its fullest everyday with everyone.
I think school is boring in a way like if you have to do so many things and you already know how to do it. Another thing is when you have to do research it's not because its hard it's because you have to use Google and that is boring and using a textbook is boring to. I like my teachers except one it's like every time you ask if you can use the bathroom it's no or you have owe 5 minutes on the wall so I don't want to come to school then. Another thing is that you go ask for a drink and they say no but they can have a drink back at their desk. I mean if you can't use the bathroom what do they want you to do. Do they want you to do have an accident. I am glad that my home room teacher is not like that because I have him in the morning and for language arts and social studies so I thank those teachers because they let you go when you need to. That is why I hate school. The only thing I like about school is that I can talk to my friends. Plus when we do fun projects and recess.
That is so true about me to
I like this post because it is almost the same way i feel about school good job Ryan
I think the same thing Bailey.I think this is a very good post!You have lots of details
I agree school can be fun but also boring at the same time.
i agree Nichelle school is a place people teach you new things
I agree with you. School is a great place to get away from home and your annoying siblings!
I like the reading workshop a lot too.
This is a really good post.It has lots of details.I agree with you a lot
I agree I think that is boring when we learn the same things over and over again.
How could you hate school. you even said "I hate school".
School is really awesome I agree. It is my favorite school year so far.
This is a really good post.You have lots of details in it.I like it a lot.I also agree with you a lot.
I like going to school all the time.
Yeah Jacob school can be fun and boring
That is so true about me too!
I like getting away from home too. It is boring there.
I agree I enjoy school but not some of the assignments.
Me to Lexi!!!!!!!
I think you are right. School isn't boring. It's usually fun! I also look forward to seeing all my friends and classmates.
I agree I like teachers that evolve you in things.
I look forward to come to school sometimes. But sometimes I don't want to come to school.
I agree I don't want to go to school all the time too.
I agree I like going to school and see my friends.
I agree I don't like math. Which subject do you not like?
How do you hate school? You even said it "I hate school."
I agree I like teachers that involve you in things.
This is a really good post.Lots of details are in it.School is fun most of the time.
I think so too!!!!!!!!!!
I think the same thing, but also I think that you smile a lot at school.
This is the same way I feel about school when I don't look froward to come to school I try to make the best of it.
I am never bored at school either.
I agree with you I could like or not like going to school depending on how I am feeling.
Me Too!!!
I agree to. My sister and brothers are annoying
Exactly like our math teacher. (Niceness ratio)Me > Her
I am not bored at school. If I am always doing something then I am fine. When I come to school I usually am happy to see my friends. I hope my friends are happy to see me. I usually have a smile on my face. I am always ready to have fun at school. Sometimes I'm not happy about coming to school but when I come to school I am happy that I came.
I think school is fun because you get to see your friends when you go to school I do not like how we have to stay for six and a half hours because you should not have to sit that long and you have to do a lot of work but you get to see your friends. I think that we should be aloud to talk in class and should be able to work on stuff with people although school is a little bit boring you can still have fun by hanging out with your friends. When I come to school I am really tired and want to go back to sleep but I can't because I have school I think that you should have to come at nine a clock.
I hate school because it is like a boring place to be because there is nothing to do when your there.The only thing that we can do is sit on our but and do work. As muck as we do work it starts to get boring when you sit there.
I think school is fun most of the time until you have to do hard assignments. I look forward to seeing people at my school because some of them are my friends. I think my friends look forward to see me also. I always try to learn as much as I can so I can get a higher education. Most of the time I have a smile unless I am not in a good mood (Some people have seen me like that.) I Always think positive because I am optimistic. I really have fun at school like at recess or in P.E. I think I am the one that controls me.
If we have tests I'm not happy to come to school because I do not like tests but other days then I am fine
I don't like the mornings of school but everything else is fine. I don't have a problem with Language Arts, Social Studies, or Science because all those subjects are not in the morning. My favorite part of coming to school is Language Arts period. I like reading and all the other in Language Arts. I look forward to seeing my friends at school. I also like talking to them at lunch and recess. School is not really a bad place to be. I would rather come to school than stay at home alone. School is boring and exciting at the same time. I don't know if people look forward to seeing me. Not everybody is my friend so maybe some people look forward to seeing like my friends.
I really like school. I think that it is a lot of fun. I also like learning new things in all kinds of different subjects.
I like coming to school in the morning. When I walk up the the steps I am thinking positive. Most of the time I have a smile on my face. I think school is fun. And when I am getting ready in the morning I am pretty happy to go to school and learn new things. I really look forward to seeing my friends at school. I have a lot of really good friends here. That is part of the reason I like coming to school so much. I am not bored with school.
I don't like the mornings of school but everything else is fine. I don't have a problem with Language Arts, Social Studies, or Science because all those subjects are not in the morning.
My favorite part of coming to school is Language Arts period. I like reading and all the other in Language Arts.
I look forward to seeing my friends at school. I also like talking to them at lunch and recess. School is not really a bad place to be. I would rather come to school than stay at home alone. School is boring and exciting at the same time. I don't know if people look forward to seeing me. Not everybody is my friend so maybe some people look forward to seeing like my friends.
I think school is fun. When I get to school I get to see my friends.When I get up for school I get up and I am sleepy and then I get in the shower and take a warm shower.That Wakes me up and then I eat and get on the bus. I like all the teacher they can be nice but they can be mean. They are people to and every person has there bad day to like teachers to.
I agree with you Austin. If the teacher is boring the class is boring
Math is my worst subject too. And I agree always try your hardest to understand what the teacher is saying.
I like school. I am glad to wake up in the morning to go to school and to see friends, Wonderful teachers( like Mr. McGuire). When I think of school I think of a place where people come to have life lessons with friends or with education. My favorite subject is Launguage arts because, we get to read and sing( which is my favorite thing to do!). Why I also Like Language arts is because we have the privilege to have our own blog. I love writing poetry, When I am walking up the steps to go to my locker I am always looking forward to seeing my favorite teacher always smiling or saying hi. That is a little bit about how I think about school.
I like school too. But sometimes it can be very boring. I like to come to school so I can see all my friends. I love school, but the best part about school is you can see all you're friends and probably even meet some new ones.
My favorite subject(s) is math because I am really good at it.You won't like math if you don't know how to do it.My other favorite subject is Language Arts I love Language Arts because we get to sing I also love to type I am a really good typer.( That's what I think ).In language Arts I also love to read and have read aloud.
I usually come to school with a smile on my face but sometimes I can be grouchy. (I do not want to lie about that). But mostly I come to school with a smile on my face and ready to go!!
I agree with you. I also have fun at recess and P.E.
I like school a lot I enjoy coming in and talking to my friends. I come in with a smile everyday. The only thing I don't like about school is the first subject is math I pay attention but I don't get it at all. I like science language arts and social studies I get good grades in all of them I know what to do in those classes. But know matter what I just like coming to school and talking to my friends and talking to the teachers and giving a good example for myself.
I am not bored when I come to school because when I do come to school I am ready to see my friends and have fun I hope they are to. Some of the reasons that I like coming to school is that I get to learn stuff that I like. I like math the most because I am good at it I still like all the other stuff to just not as well. When I am bored it is because I did not get a good nights sleep or I got in trouble. That would be the only reason that I would be bored at school.
School is boring to me accept in Mr. McGuire's classes he gets use to understand easier and we have a little laugh.
I am not exited and exited when I come to school. I just put a smile on my face when I get in the door.
It's the schools fault or the teachers fault that it is so boring.
I have to get done or I get in trouble if I do not get work done.
I do think positive and I am ready to have fun all the time.
I have a smile on my face.
My friends look forward to seeing me everyday because we never get to see each other a lot. Yes I look forward to seeing my friends and being in Mr. McGuire's class too.
The state or the united states makes us go to school because if we do not our parents will go to jail and our parents so we can go to college.
I agree with Caleb L. How do you hate school?
The only reason I like coming to school is because I like getting help from other people like the other teachers.
I like school. Sometimes I get really bored though. Usually I just don't want to get up in the morning. The main reason why I like school is because I get to see my friends. Sometimes I'm really tired because I stayed up to late the night before. Another reason why I like school is recess.
The reason why I don't like school sometimes is because I don't like to do math in the morning. My favorite subject is Language Arts. The reason why I like Language Arts is because I like to read and we read a lot. My least favorite is Social Studies. The reason why I don't like Social Studies is because I'm not that good at it. Another subject that I like is Math but I just don't like doing it in the morning. I like math because I'm really good at it. Science is okay. I kinda like science because I'm not that bad at it but I'm really good at it.
What I think of school is it is fun sometimes and sometimes not. I am excited to come to school sometimes but not always. I like school because I get to see my friends.
Yes I walk around thinking positive and ready to have fun.Yes I have a smile on my face sometimes. I don't know if people look forward to seeing me. Yes I look forward to seeing people at school.
I like P.E. to it is really fun I like recess because you get to have fun at school and by playing games with people
I disagree with you. I like tests because we go over what we have learned and go on to a different thing to learn. I really can't wait to have the OAA because it is the biggest test we will have in 6th grade.
I hate school. I don't like getting up in the morning. but I like laurelville school because everyone is nice to me and polite. I like the teachers. But I don't like doing the work but I have to do my work or I will not be smart or learn and help other people. and it is nobody's fault.
I agree with you Austin because a lot of teachers are boring and all we do is sit.
When I wake up in the morning to get dressed I think it is only another boring day at school. Every day I come to school with a positive attitude . The only reason I don't like school is because I don't like to sit for six hours. It doesn't mean I don't have a good day at school I just don't like some of the subjects. The only two subjects I don't like are math and science.Don't get me wrong I like to learn but I don't think we should learn for six hours a day.
I agree with you Lainey he does make us laugh all the time. I do agree with you to about seeing your friends.
I like tests.They are fun and quiet.
I am bored at school I think it's because I am tired and I don't think positive all the time but I enjoy all the classes math, science,and social study's but langue arts is hard for me but I work my hardest.
The thing I like about school is that some classes are easy for me and my favorite thing at school is P.E.
I do like school it is fun and I get to see my friends. My friends help me out a lot. When I get up I get in the shower and tern on the hot water then when I get out I eat and then I get on the bus and I have my own set. I like all the teachers they are so nice.
I think school is fun we do a lot of fun stuff like Ssr and sing. Sing is my favorite thing to do in school and listen to Mr. McGuire ready because he makes the the character sound like that is there really voice. School is pack with fun stuff to do.
I'm always ready for school.I come to school with a smile on my face but only if my brother Skylor don't make me mad but most of the time he don't much but it happens. I live every day to get the most because you got to live life to its fullest that is what i go by.
who is controlling me ? i am the only one who can control me and you have to be smart and control your self because if someone has to control you you are do something wrong.
i agree Hunter 6th grade is the most fun out of all the years I have been here.
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