
Greek and Latin Roots/Stems

Stems #1


bio/life/biography, biology
geo/earth, ground/geology, geography
graph/write/telegraph, autograph
log/word/prologue, dialogue, apology
meter/measure/speedometer, odometer, diameter
scope/see/microscope, telescope
tele/far off/telescope, telegraph
therm/heat/thermometer, thermos

Stem #2


ex, e/out, away/exit, exhaust, erase
micro/small/microscope, microorganism
phon/sound/phonograph, symphony, microphone
photo/light/photograph, photocopy
vis, vid/to see/vision, video, evidence
voc, vok/to call, summon/vocal, vocabulary, voice

Stem #3

ast,astr/star/astronaut, astrology
chron/time/chronological, synchonize
hydro/water/hydrogen, hydraunt
ject/throw/project, inject, objection
magnus/large/magnify, magnificent
struct/build/construction, instructor
tract/pull/tractor, attraction, subtract

Stem #4

aud,aidi/hear/audience, auditorium
jur/law/jury, jurisdiction
mit/send/transmit, admit, remit
path, pathos/feeling/apathetic, pathology
port/carry/portable, transport
rupt/break, burst/bankrupt, disrupt
terr/land/terrain, territory

Stem #5
semi/half/semicircle, semipro
super/above, on top/supersonic, superhuman
multi/many, much/multivitamin, multicolor
logy/study of/ biology, geology
inter/between/intercept, Internet, interview
mid/middle/midterm, midnight
mis/bad, wrong/misbehave, misunderstand

Stem #6
able, ible/can be done/enjoyable, sensible, likable
ism/act, belief/patriotism, idealism
ence, ance/act, condition of/excellence, assistance, importance
ship/condition of, skill/friendship, leadership, championship
trans/across, change/transfer, transport
anti/opposite, against/antifreeze, antibiotic
auto/self/autograph, automatic

Stem #7
uni/one/unicycle, unicorn
act/put in motion/react, transact, action
a/on, in, to/across, away, aboard, aside
pro/forward, before, in support/proceed, prohibit
mega/great, huge/megaphone, megabyte
fract, frag/to break/fracture, fraction, fragment
form/shape/reform, transform, conform

Stem #8
hyper/over, above/hyperactive, hyper-extend
cide/kill/pesticide, germicide
ary/relating to, place/dictionary, missionary, infirmary
sci/know, learn/science, conscience
over/too much, above/overdone, overboard
ness/state of/darkness, fairness

Vocab #1
advantages--The benefit of doing well, getting ahead.
analyze--To study closely.
arrange--To put in a certain order
attitude--Someone's thoughts affect this, controls behavior
behavior--The way you act
benefit--To be helpful or useful to, improve
central idea--The main point that an essay is built around
character trait--One feature of a person, a characteristic
chronological--Sequential order (time)
comparison--Looking for similarities
difference--Ways things are unalike or dissimilar
strategy--Method or plan
Vocab #2
cause--A person, thing or event that makes something happen
character--A person or animal in a play, poem, short story, or novel. 
climax--The highest point of action or interest in a short story or novel.
denotation--The literal meaning of a word; the exact meaning.
description--A telling in words how a person, place, thing or an event looks or behaves.
effect--Result; something made to happen by a person or thing or event
illustrate--To show through the use of words that describe or explain.
inference--The process of drawing a conclusion from the reading about what will happen or why it happened; prediction based on hints from the reading.
metaphor--An implied comparison between two things (Example: a heart of stone).
mood--The emotional state of mind expressed by an author or artist in his or her work.
personification--Giving human qualities to nonhuman things.  (Example:  The puppy cried.)
resolution--An ending or part that brings something to a close.
Vocab #3
conclusion--A judgement you can make about the story
main idea--The central point or idea of the story
opinion--Someone's thoughts or beliefs
persuasive--convincing the reader to think or perform a certain way
point of view--The position from which a story is told
evidence--Proof or reasons that support a conclusion
revealed--Shows, brings to light, make known
sequence--Text that lists steps or a series of events
significance--importance, reason for mattering
simile--Compare using like or as
summarize--To briefly tell the main events or ideas of a passage
support--Give specific details from the text to back up your answer, strengthen, hold in position
theme--A message about life or human nature that the writer shares with the reader
Vocab #4
central thought--The main idea in a story
combine--Join two or more things together
complete--To end or finish something
emphasize--To stress or give importance to
inference--Using what you have read and what you already know to make a judgement about what something means
method--The way that you do something
narrator--The person telling the story
organize--To arrange in an orderly way
passage--A piece of writing or text
prediction--A guess of what might happen next
provide--To make available
reliable--Something you can depend on
response-- A reply or answer
Vocab #5
additional--More, extra, supplementary
confirm--To establish the truth, accuracy, prove, substantiate
currently--At the present time, now
describe--To tell about or depict in written or spoken words.
explain--To make clear; render understandable
expressed--To put into words, utter or state
identify--To prove or recognize as being a certain person or thing
illustrate--To clarify or explain by use of examples
include--To add as part of something else; put in as part of a set or group
indicate--To point out or point to; direct attention to, to show.
lesson--Something from which useful knowledge or principles can be learned
procedure--A way of acting or progressing in a course of action, a particular way of accomplishing something
Vocab #6
appeal--serious or urgent request, plea
author's purpose--the writer's goal, aim or intention
characteristics--feature, trait, aspect
consider--think carefully about, believe
demonstrate--show, display, reveal
disadvantages--drawback, things working against you
formed--made, created, built
impact--strong effect, force
involve--include, make part of
pattern--repeated, over and over
persuade--convince, cause to do something
recommend--suggest, propose, approve
Vocab #7
analyze--to examine carefully and in detail
compare--to note the similarities
contrast-- to note the differences
describe--give an account of events in words
evaluate--to set a value or amount of something
explain--to make clear to someone
formulate--to express in precise form
infer-- to guess or hint 
prediction--to make guess of what will happen
summarize*-- a brief statement of what happened
support--to give assistance to someone or something
trace--to find of discover by investigation 

Vocab #8
contain--to be a part of
create--to develop, bring into being
feature--to give special attention
following--next in order
positive--beneficial, helpful
primary--the main one
product--results of a process
purpose--reason something is done
represents--to act for or be a symbol for something
respond--to react or reply
Vocab #9
according--To be in agreement
actions--Something done or performed
appears--To come into sight
conveys--To communicate ideas or feelings indirectly
exact--a very thorough way, with all the details correct
imagine--To form a picture of something
information--Knowledge or facts about someone or something
objects--To be opposed to, or express opposition
position--An opinion about an important issue
similar--Having the same characteristics
suggest--To offer an idea
viewpoint--An attitude, or an opinion
Vocab #10
audience--The people who see the work of a particular artist
determine--To decide something
different--Not the same
evaluation--Making a judgment about the value
example--Something you show to help explain
figurative language
most likely--Probably going to happen
notice--a warning, instructions, or information about something
prompt--To cause something to happen
sensory details--Information related to sight, hearing, taste . . .
synonym--Words that meet the same thing
specific--One particular thing or event
Vocab #11
attitude--a feeling or position of something
definition--the exact meaning of a word
directions--a way someone or something moves
distinguish--recognize or treat something as different
extensive-- covering over a great area
order--an arrangement of people or things
outline--a description only giving the important details
plot--a sequence of main events
present--a period of time happening now
react--respond or behave a way in response to something
statement--a communication in speech or writing
valuable--an item of great worth
Vocab #12
approach--to come near to something or someone
define--to explain or state the meaning of something
excerpt--a short selection from a text
general--not specific or define
informational--characterized by facts about something
meaning--what is meant by a word
phrase--a sequence of two or more words in a sentence
prefer--to like one thing over another
result--the outcome of something
source--a place, person, or thing in which something comes from
symbolize--to represent by a symbol
understand-- to grasp the idea of something
Quia Practice Rags to Riches #12