After all of the talk about blog comments, I thought I would share a couple of good examples from Reading Workshop students.
On a student's post about the book
Chasing the Falconers,
Chloe said:
That book sounds like a book I read. But this one is a little different. I love books that makes me close to falling out of my chair because it has me on the edge on my seat. Don't you? I mean who doesn't?
It sounds like to me that the book is one from a series. Is there a series? It sounds pretty exciting and adventurous. How would you describe it?
I think you did a really good job on your post. When you get the time please comment back and answer my questions. I might want to read the series because it sounds like a good book.
On a student's post about Manga Comic books,
Cole said:
I think your post is really cool. But you said manga [I think that is a cool book type name] are Japanese based comic books. I just want to know if they are comic books or regular books. How long are the books becuase comic books you can read about 6 in an hour or are they really long?
I think your blog is really good. You do a really good job on your blog.
On a post about music,
Jaili said:
WOW!!!!!!!!!! This post is really good! I love to sing too! But anyways your post shows how you love to sing and how you interact with your personality.
Most of all no matter what you’ll never give up on it! I have heard you sing and you are really good! Here’s a note NEVER GIVE UP ON WHAT YOU LOVE TO DO! 
On The Reading Workshop blog I have seen some excellent comments this year.
I am reading The Hunger Games written by Suzanne Collins. I picked this book because all of my friends have read and said they loved the book. So I decided to give it a try.
Right when I started reading it I was attached. I couldn't believe how good it was. What really dragged me into it was the beginning because I liked when Effie Trinket was picking the names out of the bucket because Katniss's little sister Prim gets chosen to go to the Hunger Games. But Katniss didn't want her sister to get killed. So Katniss steps up and goes to the Hunger Games.
That's why I this book is one of the best books I have ever read. So don't fake read, just find a book that you really like!!
And on a post about hard work,
Kirsten said:
It is very important to work hard because if you work hard and take your time, you know that you tried your best, and you made a effort to get a good grade. Sometimes even when you try your hardest you will not get an A but that's okay because you gave it all you got.
I admit I don't always take my time to do something because I want to hurry up and rush through it. I've worked really hard on projects and work before too. I think it is so important to check over your work because it does make a difference to go over all the questions.
As the writer for
The Reading Workshop blog, I appreciate it when someone takes the time to comment. Every student wants comments for their blog too. What makes it even better is when the comment is well thought out, well written, and meaningful. Thanks to all of the Reading Workshop students for making an effort to write excellent comments. Keep up the good work and maybe you can get a Fantastic Commenter badge on your blog!
The reasons why I come to school are...
1. Well I have to by law
2. Learning is is fun to me.
3. I get to play basketball.
4. I get to talk to friends.
5. It will help me get a good job in the future.
6. How are you going to get smart just sitting at home. (Home school does not count).