I just stopped at the market to get a newspaper and a snack. As I laid down the items to pay, the cashier looked at me and said, "what do you think about
Logan Elm?"
A million thoughts ran through my head in just about two seconds. The whole time, she looked at me and waited for an answer. I had been working outside, and looked pretty scruffy. I didn't know her, and I guarantee she didn't know I was a teacher. Naturally, I expected the worse, so I fell back on the old teacher trick of answering a question with a question. I said, "what do you think about
Logan Elm?"
Imagine my surprise when she started to get a little teary eyed. "I am just so proud of those boys," she said (they are going to the
Ohio state semifinals in basketball). "And their football team won all of those games. And the girls, too. The volleyball and basketball teams."
So I asked, "do you think closing school on Friday (the day of the 10:45 AM game) was a good decision?"
"Of course," she replied. "Those kids need to go up to the game and support the school."
"Do you have kids in school, or grandkids?" I asked.
"No, not for a long time. But I sure am proud of those kids."
"Me too," I replied. I walked out of the market, a little stunned, and a little amazed, and a whole lot thankful for student athletes that helped one cashier and I agree, we are proud of you.