Thursday, September 7, 2017

You Look Great Today! 

Image from Puns @TheFunnyWorld

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

See Someone Being Kind? Share it!

Related image
Make our world a better place. Take care of your classmates and our school. When you see someone else being kind, share it. The tree in the hallway is bare. Fill it with leaves (Post it Notes). Share all the acts of kindness that you see in the hallway at SC.

Here are some ways you can be kind:

  1. Ask “How may I help you?”
  2. Listen to someone carefully and without interrupting.
  3. Say “I’m sorry.”
  4. Be polite.
  5. Say ‘Please’ and ‘Thank you.’
  6. Offer to carry a person’s book bag.
  7. Buy a box of cookies and offer them around to strangers.
  8. Buy someone a gift from the dollar store
  9. Offer your seat in the cafeteria.
  10. Ask someone to sit by you in the cafeteria that you haven't sat with before.
  11. Write someone a letter or note.
  12. Invite someone to play at recess.
  13. Smile.
  14. Give someone a handwritten card.
  15. Pick up some trash.
  16. Return a misplaced or lost item.
  17. Tell someone about the best part of the day you just spent with them.
  18. Keep that sigh to yourself.
  19. Use a kind voice even if you have to fake it.
  20. Listen for the feelings behind the words.
  21. Buy a stranger an extra at lunch.
  22. Let someone go first through a door.
  23. Hold a door open for someone.
  24. Respect someone’s wishes.
  25. Write Post-It notes with encouraging messages and leave them in someone's tub or bookbag.
  26. Write a thank you note.
  27. Let people through in hallway traffic.
  28. Thank someone when they let you pass in the hallway.
  29. Use a compost bin and recycle as much as possible.
  30. Acknowledge someone else’s kindness to you.
  31. Tell someone how wonderful they are.
  32. Tell someone how happy you are to have them in your life.
  33. Pay a compliment.
  34. Volunteer.
  35. Write a notes and put it in someone's lunchbox.
  36. Share your knowledge with someone who needs it.
  37. Help someone with their homework.
  38. Help someone that is confused in class.
  39. Welcome new people to the school.
  40. Donate your “read” books to the library.
  41. Express your empathy.
  42. Smile at every stranger in the hallway.
  43. Be patient when you want to yell.
  44. Point out when someone’s shoe is untied or their backpack zipper is open
  45. Greet your neighbours when you see them
  46. Say hello to a classmate you don’t normally talk to
  47. Invite a schoolmate sitting on their own to join in your game
  48. Say something nice about someone, just because
  49. Smile at everyone
  50. Eat lunch at a different table with people you don't know that well
  51. Sit with someone eating alone at lunch
  52. Count to 10 in your head to avoid yelling at someone when you get angry
  53. Give positive feedback in class when someone is making a presentation or answers a question
  54. Smile more often.
  55. Talk to someone that is shy.
  56. Stop complaining for a week.
  57. Listen to someone that has a problem.
  58. Compliment someone you don't know in the hallway.
  59. Hold your tongue and don't say something mean
  60. When you hear someone starting drama just walk away.
  61. Compliment someone in front of others.

Image from St. Patrick Parish News

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Believe It!

Image result for positive

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Fun Knee!

Make Today the Best Today Ever

Monday, August 28, 2017

Be Yourself and Stand Out!

Image from@chrisguillebeau

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Hotdog for Lunch?


Image from @ExcuseThePun

Wednesday, August 16, 2017


It's a new school year and I can't wait to get started! Welcome to the sixth grade. I hope your year at Salt Creek in the hallway is the best ever. Work hard, laugh loudly, and smile a lot. Great times are straight ahead!

Image from

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

If You Were There . . .

If you end of living in one of these spots, what would your life be like?

New York Habitat
A series of videos of New York, London, and Paris

Washington D.C.

Amazon Rain Forest

African Safari


Yellowstone National Park Video Channel

Alaska Winter

Life in Naples, Italy

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Drowning in a Sea of Silliness


Image from @ExcuseThePun

Thursday, April 27, 2017

No Worries Today


Image from @TheFunnyWorId

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Have a Successful Day!

Image from @WeAreTeachers

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Make Someone's Day Today

Image from @RespectYourself

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Dear Puns


Image from @TheFunnyWorId

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Writing an Introduction

Friday, March 24, 2017

This Pun is a Dog

Image from @ExcuseThePun

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Argumentative Essay

Pick an issue you care about and argue your point. The assignment is to write an argumentative essay. The key is to have facts to back up your opinion.

  1. Pick a topic question from the lists below.
  2. Begin with a topic sentence/introduction that shares your opinion.
  3. Research the issue and find at least two sources with facts that support your position.
  4. Find and rewrite three or more of the best facts that support your opinion. These will be the topic sentences for the paragraphs in your body.
  5. Write supporting details for each of these facts. These should not be opinions, thoughts, or ideas.
  6. Write a conclusion that restates your opinion, gives an interesting fact/point/idea about the topic, and wraps up the essay.
  7. Read the essay aloud to find mistakes/areas that are not clear.
Argumentative Essay Topics

    • Using cell phones make people more/less connected
    • Social media and texting hurt/improve the lives of teenagers
    • Violent video games cause/don't people to act out violently
    • Reading online is better/worse than reading a book
    • Helicopter parents help/harm their children
    • Recycling really makes/does not make a difference
    • Schools should/should not have vending machines that sell sodas, candy, and other "bad" snacks
    • Cell phones should/should not be banned in schools for both students and teachers
    • Students should/should not wear school uniforms
    • Students should/should not be held back for bad grades
    • Using animals for scientific research is/is not inhumane
    • Fast food, soda, chips and other unhealthy food should/should not be heavily taxed
    • Watching TV is good/bad for children
    • Athletes caught using steroids should/should not be banned from professional sports for life
    • Students should/should not have to learn cursive writing
    • Parents should/should not monitor what their kids are doing online
    • Social life is/is not more important than academics
    • Home schooling is more/less effective than public schools
    • Charter schools are more/less effective than public schools
    • Social media improves/reduces students reading skills
    • Social media improves/reduces students writing skills
    • Violent sports like boxing and MMA should/should not be banned
    • Sports involving animals should/should not be banned
    • Violent movies increase/do not increase teen violence
    • Lotteries should/should not be banned
    • Sports betting should/should not be legal
    • Carrying a concealed weapon should/should not be legal
    • Gun control reduces/does not reduce crime
    • Praying in school should/should not be legal
    • Youtube should/should not be legal under 18 years old
    • Cigarette smoking should/should not be banned

    Tuesday, March 14, 2017

    A Tacky Pun

    Image from @ ExcuseThePun

    Monday, March 13, 2017

    How Strong are You?

    Image result for Strong people stand up for themselves, but stronger people stand up for others

    Thursday, March 9, 2017

    Being a Part of the Team

    Reading Workshop students, the question is what do you do to help your class be a team like this?  Patty Mills is a guard for the San Antonio Spurs. They are world famous for their teamwork. A class should be just like a team. All members should work together to make everyone successful. What role do you play in making your class world class?
    Image result for patty mills teammates

    Image from

    Wednesday, March 8, 2017

    Be a Sunshiny You

    From The Twits by Roald Dahl

    Thursday, March 2, 2017

    Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss

    Monday, February 27, 2017

    Whether You Want it or Not


    Image from@ExcuseThePun

    Thursday, February 23, 2017

    An Example of Why Langauge Arts is the Best Class

    Image from @AQA_NOT

    Pick a Strategy

    The strategies in the picture below all help with understanding what you read. Reading Workshop students, your assignment is to pick one strategy, research it, create a Google slide show, and present it to the class.

    The slide show needs to explain about the strategy, tell how it helps with comprehension, and how to use it. Demonstrating the strategy should be part of the presentation.

    Image from

    Tuesday, February 21, 2017

    Have a Good Day!

    Image from @superderek

    Friday, February 10, 2017

    Mistakes are OK

    Mistakes are just proof that you are trying.

    Thursday, February 9, 2017

    Excited by the Opportunity

    Opportunity not obligation!

    If you knew you could do anything, anything, anything at all, how would you act? Would you be different? Then why not be that way now? Describe yourself as that person that can do anything. Tell about it.

    Wednesday, February 8, 2017

    Even Animals Like Puns

    Image from @TheFunnyWorld

    Tuesday, February 7, 2017

    Are You Good Enough?

    A lot of people told this guy he wasn't good enough.

    Monday, February 6, 2017

    Want to Succeed?

    Image from@DesmondDreckett

    If You Were in This Video . . .

    Your assignment--write about this video. The rest is up to you.

    Thursday, February 2, 2017

    Is Your Meaning Clear?

    Make sure your writing says what you mean.

    Image from Puns @TheFunnyWorId

    Wednesday, January 25, 2017

    Be Responsible

    Tuesday, January 24, 2017

    Sometimes Word Choice is Everything

    Monday, January 23, 2017

    Go For It!


    Image from @Socialfave

    Thursday, January 19, 2017

    Do You Know?

    The good news is that no one on has to know everything. All we need to know is to know when we don't know and know, ask questions, and know how to find out when we don't.

    Wednesday, January 18, 2017

    Have a Great Day!

    Tuesday, January 17, 2017


    Tuesday, December 13, 2016

    Take a Break

    For just a minute, let your mind go on a short vacation to this abandoned bridge in Germany.


    Thursday, December 8, 2016

    MAP Testing

    GREAT NEWS! Nearly 75% of the sixth grade language arts students have already shown a year's growth in their reading ability. When students are doing this well, it really opens the door for an outstanding year. I am extremely excited about the potential for their continued growth as readers and writers.

    ‌Three times each school year students take the MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) Test in reading, math, and science. The first test is within the first two weeks of the school.  They then test again near the middle of the year and at the end of the school year. The last two test measure the amount of growth students make during the school year.

    ‌Taking all of the tests that are required is no fun. Students don't like them. Teachers don't like them. At least though, we can celebrate when we see excellent growth. A lot of this is due to the hard work of the students in the hallway.

    ‌For each subject that students meet their growth target, they earned a reward. Students get a movie party for one test, movie and pizza for two, and movie, pizza, and an hour of extra recess if they reach all their targets for reading, math, and science. This is our way of rewarding them for their hard work.


    Tuesday, November 29, 2016

    Comparison to the Main Character Letter

    Image result for character question mark
    For this project you will be writing a Dear Mr. McGuire letter. The topic of the letter is "How would the book be different if I was the main character?" The letter should have an opening paragraph that states basic information like the title and the main character's name. It also should connect with the reader.
    For the second paragraph, start with the main character and build from there. Tell about the main character in the book you are reading. Describe him/her. What makes him like he is? How does he act? Think? Respond? Feel?
    The next paragraph should be a compare/contrast between you and the main character. You might tell how you are alike or how you are different. You need at least one example to make your point clear.
    One of the main keys to doing well on this project comes next. This paragraph needs to describe in detail how the book would be different if you were the main character. Specific details of differences will strengthen your letter.
    Please use details to support your writing. For example, if you state that the main character is brave, you should have a detailed scene from the book that proves your claim.
    Whatever you do, DO NOT RETELL THE STORY! This assignment is to write a letter to me about how the main character compares to you and how the book would be different if you were the main character. If you summarize or retell the book, you are not following the directions! The best essays will be written by a writer than gets inside the book and the character.

    Tuesday, November 22, 2016

    I'm Thankful For . . .

    Made with Padlet

    Wednesday, November 16, 2016

    A Little Help with Rhyming

    So what do you do when you need to rhyme?  How about going to Rhymezone? When you are writing a poem and you need a word bank to help you, Rhymezone is a great resource.  All you do is type in the word and it gives you a bunch of choices.  Don't forget though, a poem still has to make sense and be meaningful.

    Room For All


    Image from @thebradmontague

    Tuesday, November 15, 2016

    Swear to Howdy Poems

    In Reading Workshop I recently finished the read aloud of Wendelin Van Draanen's book, Swear to Howdy. Students had to write a poem based on something from the book. Here are a few examples.

    From Karlie
                  It really happened
    Me and Joey
    We really killed her
    We killed Amanda Jane
    We didn’t mean to
    We just wanted to make “the lost ghost”

                  At First we were all ok
    Sissy cried all the time
    Longing for her best friend
    And I longed for mine too
    No One was the same any more
    Especially Joey
    We just weren’t the same anymore
    Our friendship was breaking apart
    then one night I heard the secret knock …

    From Blayton
    Tank the fat, dark green, frog
    Sat on the huge, muddy, muggy bank
    Spewed and gushed out
    Bright green, slimy, soaked tomaters

    From Tayla
           A Promise
    Joey and Rusty go together
    like PB & Jelly
    they are such good friends
    making promises
    having the best times
    like playing in the river
    on hot summer days
    never forgetting
    the day that Joey got bit
    but no one will know because
    they made a promise

    From Jersey
            A True Friend

    A true friend will have your back until the end
    A true friend will not listen and do what you say
    But will go out of their way to do the best for you
    You may hate what they do but still love them
    And when you lose them you always regret it.

    You know you’re a true friend when you accept them
    You know you’re a true friend when you are not to judge them 

    or talk behind their backs meanly
    Not to judge them for what their family acts like
    Or what your friend doesn’t have that you have

    You know you’re a true friend when that does not matter.

    You can’t be a true friend if you hold grudges more than memories
    you can’t be a true friend if you look back instead of forward
    And you can not stay mad at them for more than a minute
    It is in the name friend end is the last part
    so they will be with you until the end and will never leave you

    Monday, November 14, 2016

    A Best Moment

    During the school day, everyone has some time when they like it best. When is that for you? What is your favorite moment at school? What puts a smile on your face?

    Friday, November 11, 2016

    Be Great!


    Wednesday, November 9, 2016

    Who Do You Admire?

    Who do you look up to in your life?

    Click on the picture below to see some amazing responses.

    Tuesday, November 8, 2016

    Rewrite a Poem

    I was walking
    across the lawn.
    It was dark
    and I was afraid.
    I heard a noise.

    You can see responses HERE or HERE

    Wednesday, November 2, 2016

    Make Your Poetry Zing

    Is your poetry alive?  Or does it just lay there squashed and ragged, like a mushy apple smashed on the road?  Maybe it needs a little "ing" put into it.

    Good poetry is alive, bringing the reader inside and making him think, or wonder, or laugh, or cry.  And to bring the reader in nothing works better than action verbs.  Thus the need for some "ing."

    Screaming, shouting, racing, zinging, glistening, clinging, spinning, howling, catching, hooting, buzzing, violating, falling, sprinting, vaulting, pouncing, scaling, attacking, lunging, foraging, galloping, whipping, creating, gambling, whaling, slashing, wondering, listing, faking, destroying, escaping, dreaming, visualizing, imagining, bouncing, scraping, flailing, editing, revising, writing . . .

    Celebrating the Success of Others

    I just want to give a shout out to the students that can celebrate when someone else is selected Reading Workshop Student of the Day. You make their success your success when you can feel good about your classmates.

    Monday, October 31, 2016

    The Power of Poetry

    Taken from the famous basketball movie, Coach Carter, this is an excellent example of Spoken Poetry and the power of poems.

    Timo Cruz:

    Our deepest fear
    is not that we are inadequate.
    Our deepest fear
    is that we are powerful beyond measure.
    It is our light, not our darkness
    that most frightens us.
    Your playing small
    does not serve the world.
    There is nothing enlightened
    about shrinking
    so that other people
    won't feel insecure around you.
    We were all meant to shine
    as children do.
    It's not just in some of us;
    it's in everyone.
    And as we let our own light shine,
    we unconsciously
    give other people permission
    to do the same.
    As we are liberated
    from our own fear,
    our presence automatically
    liberates others.

    Work, Work, Work!

    Friday, October 28, 2016

    Make it Yours Reading Workshop we have been studying figurative language this week. For today, take this starter poem and see what you can do. You can use idioms, similes, metaphors, repetition, action verbs, imagery, onomatopoeia, or anything else you can think of to make your poem great.

    I walked down the hall
    very slowly
    because my name was called
    to come to the office.

    Thursday, October 27, 2016

    A World with Nice People

    Monday, October 24, 2016

    Reading Assignment

    Students are required to read at home as homework. Students must read 20 minutes each night Monday – Thursday and one time over the weekend (Friday – Sunday) for 20 minutes. Students should have a time every night to do their reading homework. Students that do not complete this will have serve detention to make up for missed time.

    Students' Weekly Reading Assignment rewards effort. Students choose a book that they want to read from home, the library, or the bookmobile. The only requirement is that they log the title, time read, and pages. 

    Any time students read it counts towards their weekly minutes. They will read each day at school during SSR--Sustained Silent Reading time (10:55-11:10). In addition, they can read at home, on the bus, while they are eating breakfast, once they finish a test or assignment in another class. Any time they read it counts towards their grade.

    Reading Assignment Grading Scale

    A =
    180 + Minutes
    B =    120 - 179 Minutes
    C =    60 - 119 Minutes
    F =    Less than 60 minutes and/or less than 4 times a week.

    Extra credit will be given for students that read more than 225 minutes in a week.

    Wednesday, October 12, 2016

    Be Like Mike

    Friday, October 7, 2016

    Opportunity v. Obligation or Don't Be Average

    Thursday, October 6, 2016


    Do you have energy?

    Tuesday, October 4, 2016

    It's All in What You Do