Students in Reading Workshop recently took a survey, questioning their knowledge of the personality traits of their teachers on the post Who Am I? There were several surprises in the survey and some fairly predictable results.
According to the Laurelville students:
Mrs. Cartee is down to Earth, easy going and builds relationships. She is supportive, soft-hearted and caring, but can be tough when needed.
Mrs. Griffey is full of energy, enthusiasm and drama, while being honest and driven for success.
Mrs. Bower is full of ideas with a never-ending passion for seeing students succeed.
Mrs. Caudill helps students when they don't understand. She has high expectations.
Mrs. Blubaugh is there when students don't get it. They know they can count on her to help them out.
Mrs. Stevenson is a good listener that is honest and practical. Her easy going way helps build trust.
Mrs. Little is trustworthy and doesn't judge people. You can count on her when the going gets tough because she cares.
Mrs. Scott is soft-hearted and supportive, but can be tough when needed. She is a good listener.
Ms. Bowlby has a lot of ideas and a passion for success. She supports her students and believes in them.
Mr. McGuire pushes students to be successful. He has high expectation and says so in an honest, straightforward manner.
I found it interesting that different students had different perceptions of the teachers. Also, what I thought was the correct answer--or description of some of the teachers, was not the opinion of the majority. The descriptions above were based on what the majority of responders answered.
I found it interesting that different students had different perceptions of the teachers. Also, what I thought was the correct answer--or description of some of the teachers, was not the opinion of the majority. The descriptions above were based on what the majority of responders answered.