Each morning Madison walks into the room, passing out smiles and hellos to everyone in her path. She greets each student like a long lost friend, and lets them know she is glad to see them. There are no rainy days in her world, and she wants every person she sees to join her in the sunshine.
This upbeat attitude has infected the whole class. You cannot be around her without giving some of the smile back. The next thing you know, even if you are real careful, and try to prevent it, you give a smile to someone else, and on and on. It's almost ridiculous how this epidemic spreads each morning.
I started thinking about this as I was reading the We Teach, We Learn blog and found this link to research at Harvard and the University of California at San Diego by Dr. Nicholas Christakis and James Fowler. They found that "happiness spreads through social networks like an emotional contagion."
I don't need research to prove it to me. I have to watch or I get caught up in it every morning. If this kid doesn't get to seventh grade before long, I may end up smiling all the time. Naahhhh, probably not.
Image from http://www.flickr.com/photos/joellecleveland/2581227771/sizes/s/