Thanksgiving is here and there are a lot of turkeys in this neighborhood and I am thankful for all of them. Well, I am thankful for most of them. Well, I am thankful for some of them. Well, I am thankful for a few of them.
Well anyway, the things I am thankful for include:
- Sara's big smile walks in my door every day.
- I have this really weird class that wants to be here.
- I can do a little of the Cupid Shuffle with the class and I don't even need Advil.
- Lucas #3 is just as nice as Lucas #1 & #2.
- I can blog and eat oreos at the same time.
- Mrs. Scott stops by every day for a little aggravation.
- I have some oreos.
- Thelma is still cooking in the cafeteria.
- Hines #4 (or is it #5) works just as hard as all of the others.
- Ridge sings better than his siblings.
- Megan, Tyler H., and Andrew really are that nice.
- Brook and Dawn are actually starting to talk.
- Kyra smiles and dances and shakes and makes all kind of weird motions when she sings.
- Heath likes to read.
- Caitlin has such a super attitude.
- Jessica and Cassie are becoming a great writers.
- Austin, Tyler, Alex, and Jakob are working so hard.
- Dylan laughs at my jokes (at least he did one time).
- Belle can still think even though she spends half her time upside down.
- Danny's name keeps popping up in the lyrics of songs we are singing.
- Shala is an assistant teacher and helps everyone with their blog.
- The little Queen hasn't been too bossy.
- Sabrina is in a good mood today, and yesterday, and the day before, and...
- Students are selling candy bars for camp so I can put back on the pounds just in time for the hollidays.
- Ms. Bowlby is still teaching here so I am not the oldest teacher in the building.
- Ms. Fraley is teaching here so I am not the weirdest teacher in the building.
- Mrs. Stevenson is still teaching here so I am not the grayest teacher in the building.
- Mrs. Griffey is still teaching here so I definitely am not the biggest drama queen in the building.
- Nick and Cade aren't as hot as they think they are (otherwise their chairs would catch on fire).
- Students love blogging (that makes them work hard and they don't even know it).
- We got some $$$ to buy new books.
- Diet Mt. Dew is a health food.
- The arm Mark broke chasing his girlfriend has healed.
- Lindsey's brain transplant surgery was successful.
- Heidi smiled at me last week.
- The Bengals have the worst team in the NFL and T.O., Chad O., and Pacman play for them.
- I can look out the window, from my desk and see two flags waving in the breeze.

Have a happy Thanksgiving!
Image from