Monday, October 26, 2015

Tell Me About the Main Character

Start with the name and go from there. Tell about the main character in the book you are reading. Describe him/her. What makes him like he is? How does he act? Think? Respond? Feel?

Please use details to support your writing. For example, if you state that he is brave, you should have a detailed scene from the book that proves your claim.

Whatever you do, DO NOT RETELL THE STORY! This assignment is to tell about the main character. If you summarize or retell the book, you are not following the directions!

Make your writing interesting. Think about the character. The best essays will be written by a writer than gets inside the book and the character.

Image from

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Think Before You Post

If you are posting at school, you might also add:

T - is it on task?
H - is it helping you be successful?
I - is your post informative?
N - is it needed?
K - is it sharing knowledge?

Thursday, October 15, 2015


A lot of the time we talk about what makes a hero. Yesterday I saw some students make a choice that showed me that they are real life heroes. They made a tough but good decision to stand for something. They worked hard in class when others chose not to work. They stood strong, ignored those not working, and gave their all to success.

Great job to Alexis, Alex, Erin, Logan, Luke, Mason, Garret S., Katie, and Rachel. Yesterday you earned my respect and my admiration.

I also found it interesting that the entire 602 class did exactly what they were assigned. Great job guys! I appreciate your hard work and dedication to success!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Be Somebody!

Friday, October 9, 2015

Science in Language Arts

Students are writing a blog post for an interdisciplinary project in language arts and science. They recently found the volume of an irregular shaped pond in the science classroom. The pond had two levels so each had to be measured separately and then added together. Units were also converted from standard to metric.

The assignment for Reading Workshop students is to write an overview/essay detailing this process. This post should include an introduction, detailed steps, and conclusion. As always, PUGS count!

This project will count as a grade for both classes. The science grade will be based primarily on content. The language arts grade will be based on content, organization, and PUGS.

Image From:

Been Reading?

Image from @MasteryPrep

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Six Word Story

Can you write a six word story? Give it a go and paste it as a comment. Here is one of mine: Trying so hard. Wanting some more.

Here are a few favorites from Six Word Story:

Let’s just pretend this never happened.
You’ll always be a question mark.
But "close enough" is not enough.
Everything’s fine… or so I pretend.
Trust is must, no matter what.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

How is Your School Year Going?

Today's assignment in Reading Workshop is to write a blog post describing the school year so far. Students must give 3 or more examples of events/scenes that demonstrate how their year is going.

The directions:
Think about how your school year is so far. Pick 3 + or – events that have occurred so far this school year that demonstrate this.
  • Start with a topic sentence/introduction
  • In the body include details—one topic/paragraph
  • Wrap it up with a closing

Monday, October 5, 2015

Thanks Teachers!

 On World Teachers' Day, thank you to all the teachers that helped me become what I am today!

Image from #WorldTeachersDay

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Keep Pushing

Image from @wordstextings

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Make it a Great Day

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Where is Your Homework?

Here's an excuse for not having your homework, Reading Workshop students. Feel free to use it any time.

Or, you could just do your work and be successful.

Image from Tabytha Sidders

Friday, September 25, 2015

KP Talks about Awesome Girls

Thursday, September 24, 2015

What Happened in the Book You are Reading?

Students had to write about what happened in the book they are reading. The assignment was to describe what they read last night in as much detail as possible. 

Hallie set a standard of excellence:

The book I read last night is The Chronicles Of Narnia. I'm currently reading the 3rd book in the series, The Horse And His Boy. Shasta's adoptive father wants to sell Shasta into slavery. Shasta went outside the night before he was being sold and was petting the horse. He wished the horse could talk. And the horse talked. The horse said it was from Narnia and that he was going to run back to Narnia one day. The horse invited Shasta to come with him on his quest to Narnia. Shasta asked the horse's name, but he couldn't pronounce the horse's name. So he and the horse agreed on the name Bree. Shasta hopped on Bree and they were off to Narnia.

On the first day of riding they heard a lion roar. Bree ran faster, but the lion roar sounded again. Shasta saw another horse following close behind them. The lion roar sounded again. Bree went right while the other horse and rider went left. Bree and Shasta found a place to rest for the night when the other horse and rider showed up. The horse said it's name was Whin. They are both on their way to Narnia, like Bree and Shasta. The group has to walk through the desert for many days. While the group was is a town, Shasta gets pulled away by royal guards who think he's the missing prince. While Shasta is in the castle he hears a bunch of important war related stuff and how another town is planning to take down Narnia. When Shasta goes into his bedroom for the night the real prince hops in Shasta's room through the window.

The prince and Shasta switch places and Shasta sneaks out the window to get back to Bree. He finds his way to the point they were headed to next. he finds them. He tells them about the war and how they have to warn the kings and queens of Narnia. They take off very quickly. They have to beat the town trying to take down Narnia. On the way Whin and his rider get attacked by a lion. Shasta shouts a the lion and it goes away. Whin and Bree are too hurt to keep walking so they stay with Whin's rider in with a man on the way to the castle of Narnia. The man tells Shasta that he has to run in order to get there before the town does. He tells the kings and queens of Narnia about to town.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Have a Good Day

Image from @grammarly

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Stay Focused

 Image from @twisteddoodles

Monday, September 21, 2015

Are You Writing a Great Story?

Image from @Grammarly

Friday, September 18, 2015

Do You Dare to Dream?

Image from @ThePowerfulPics

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Reading a Good Book?

Tuesday, September 15, 2015


Thank you to Chris Pirillo for allowing the editing and use of this video.