Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Living Large Loving Language Arts

Image result for i love language arts

Sometimes You Just Need to Rhyme


So what do you do when you need to rhyme?  How about going to Rhymezone?  When you are writing a poem and you need a word bank to help you, Rhymezone is a great resource.  All you do is type in the word and it gives you a bunch of choices.  Don't forget though, a poem still has to make sense and be meaningful.

The Road to Success

Image from @CRCarter313

Monday, December 11, 2017

Make Your Monday

Friday, December 8, 2017

Ms. Ewing RAWYC

Grace Ewing is in Chicago reading the Chicago Tribune and she jumped in with RAWYC!

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Revising Poetry

So you get a first draft of a poem and it seems pretty good.  Now what?  Is it ready to publish?  Everything is spelled right.  It makes sense.  So how do you revise?  How do you make it better?  What can you do with a basic poem like this, that has a good topic choice with a nice twist at the end and make it into an A+ poem that grabs the reader?
Thank you to Maddie for allowing us to experiment with her writing.

That one kid makes me sad,                              
That one kid makes me mad.
When I see him I just go Eww!!!!
I don’t like him,
He doesn’t like me.
We fight all the time.
She started it!
No he started it!!
He makes me go crazy,
I make him flip out.
But the truth is………
He’s my brother.

One area that could be improved is word choice. The Reading Workshop Poetry Rubric says, Word choice is exact, colorful, and interesting. What words could be changed to improve this poem?  Is there a synonym for sad that would be more interesting? Or mad? Or doesn't like?

We could also look at improving and adding sensory details like the rubric describes as, Uses sensory details to help the reader see, hear, feel, and/or think. What could be changed to help what the reader visualizes?  Could the "one kid" be described in some way?   What changes would help the reader see the fight?
When you have completed your revised version, paste it into the form below.

You can see revisions HERE.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Oh, the Irony


Image from @TheFunnyWorld

Tell About a Book of Poems

Made with Padlet

Monday, December 4, 2017

Generate Some Words

Dominica Vibes News | Dominica news source of local and ...If you want to write poetry but need a little help getting started, use the online site at Word Clouds. Just go to the wizard and put in words. When you are finished you can share this on your blog. 

Just go to the toolbar to File-->Save as PNG-->Open in Image Viewer -->Copy -->Paste into your blog. 

You can also File-->Save-->Open New Post in Edublogs-->Add Media-->Uploade Files

Image from dominicavibes.dm

Less Words for More Meaning

Cut out all those words.  This is poetry so you don't need them.  In fact, if the word doesn't do something to clarify meaning, or help make your point, just delete it.

Get rid of all those annoying little words and leave only the ones that matter. You really don't need all those it's and is's.  Nor do you need those are's and were's. Trim the fat and excess words.  Make your poem meaningful and exciting.

The best thing about poetry is that the author makes the rules.  You can choose whether or not to use capital letters, sentences, and punctuation.  The only rule is write in the best way to make your poem meaningful and understandable.  Just write so your reader relates to your message.

Author's note:  There are divided thoughts about using apostrophes in certain circumstances to show plural.  The general thinking is that it is allowable in a few instances if it helps considerably with making text more easily understood and more readable.

Image from kerileebeasley.com

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Poetry Padlet

Made with Padlet

Monday, November 27, 2017

Check Your Grammar

Are you a grammar expert? Take a test and prove it!

Monday, November 20, 2017

You Aren't Going to Collage

Reading Workshop students, I hope you have the opportunity to go to college. If you want an education, it won't happen in a collage.


Friday, November 17, 2017


Students are jumping on to the RAWYC project. They are sharing all types of reading.
Kyle Reads While Eating

Kinsie Reading in the Bathtub

Addison Reading a Chapter Book
Brody Reading a Picture Book
Quincy Reading to Her Mom
Alden Reading to His Cat
Colton Reading to His Dog
Lynsay Reading to Her Grandfather
Kyle Reading in the Dark with a Flashlight
Alex Reading Her Book
Lily Reading a Chapter Book
Cameron Reading to His Pets
Brody Reading to His Mom
Hayleigh Reading her Book
Brooklyn Reading to Her Dog
Abby Reading to Her Lap Dog
Me And My Pet
Aubrey Reads to Bob
Sammi Rereading a Favorite Book

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Being a Writer

reference for writers - How To Be a Better Writer

Image from referenceforwriters.tumblr.com

What Should I Write?

March | 2011 | clairsimpson

Need an idea for a blog topic? Here are a few.
  1.  You Should Read . . .
  2.  My Favorite Book
  3.  Best Character in a Book
  4.  Interview a Family Member/Role Model
  5.  “How to” Post
  6.  Memoir--Share a Memory
  7.  Write about an Event From Your Life
  8.  Hobby Post
  9.  Write a Story
  10.  What I Saw at ________ Today
  11.  Respond to Another Post
  12.  Write a Poem
  13.  How to Write A Blog Post
  14.  Opinion Post
  15.  FAQ post
  16.  News Story
  17.  Write A Letter
  18.  Inspirational Post
  19.  Inspirational People Post
  20.  My Biggest Fear
  21.  "My Future" Post
  22.  Write From Someone Else's Point of View
  23.  Compare/Contrast Post
  24.  How I Stay Inspired
  25.  How to Succeed 
  26.  Favorite TV/Movie Star
  27.  Make a List
  28.  A Day In the Life Of…
  29.  School Survival Post
  30.  How to Be a Friend Post
  31.  Getting Good Grades 
  32.  Bucket List
  33.  Holiday Post
  34.  Slideshow
  35.  Advice Post
  36.  Turn a Post into a Poem
  37.  Sports Story
  38.  Top 10
  39.  If You Had to Live with a Handicap
  40.  Places--Where Would You Like to Go?
  41.  Facts Post
  42.  What I Want to Be . . .
  43.  My Goals for The Future
  44.  Write About Your Favorite Artist (Musician)
  45.  Write a Response to a Topic in the News
  46.  Tell About a Lesson Learned
  47.  Write a Play

Image from clairsimpson.wordpress.com

Wednesday, November 15, 2017


At the Your World Within website, they say, Life is not predetermined; it’s crafted daily.  In the video they say, go all in on the things that bring value to your life while eliminating the things that don't

Your assignment, Reading Workshop students is to write what about values in your life.

Monday, November 13, 2017

Pictures While Reading

Zoom Reads to Kinsey
Students in Reading Workshop were challenged to post pictures from their life as they Read Any Way You Choose. Some of the pictures so far have been awesome with students reading to pets, reading to siblings, reading a TV scrollbar, reading while dribbling a basketball, and reading in the bathtub.

Here are a couple of pictures from my weekend with my grandson, Carter aka Zoom and my granddaughter, Kinsey.

Zoom and I Reading on Our IPads

Friday, November 10, 2017

What Does the Pledge Mean?

The Your Web: Usa Flag Pictures - Usa Flag - Usa National Flag - Usa Flag Images - Flag of america

I pledge allegiance 
to the flag 
of the United States of  America
and to the Republic 
for which it stands,
one nation 
under God, 
indivisible, with liberty 
and justice for all

For today's assignment, students had to look up meaning to words in the Pledge of Allegiance and rewrite it in their own words. Not only did they learn the meaning of some important words, but hopefully the next time they say the Pledge it will mean a  little more and they will know why it is so important to our country!

Vocabulary Words


Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Shine On!

Image from @Nandini_actor