Pick an issue you care about and argue your point. The assignment is to write an argumentative essay. The key is to have facts to back up your opinion.
Pick a topic question from the lists below.
Begin with a topic sentence/introduction that shares your opinion.
Research the issue and find at least two sources with facts that support your position.
Find and rewrite three or more of the best facts that support your opinion. These will be the topic sentences for the paragraphs in your body.
Write supporting details for each of these facts. These should not be opinions, thoughts, or ideas.
Write a conclusion that restates your opinion, gives an interesting fact/point/idea about the topic, and wraps up the essay.
Read the essay aloud to find mistakes/areas that are not clear.
Argumentative Essay Topics
Using cell phones make people more/less connected
Social media and texting hurt/improve the lives of teenagers
Violent video games cause/don't people to act out violently
Reading online is better/worse than reading a book
Helicopter parents help/harm their children
Recycling really makes/does not make a difference
Schools should/should not have vending machines that sell sodas, candy, and other "bad" snacks
Cell phones should/should not be banned in schools for both students and teachers
Students should/should not wear school uniforms
Students should/should not be held back for bad grades
Using animals for scientific research is/is not inhumane
Fast food, soda, chips and other unhealthy food should/should not be heavily taxed
Watching TV is good/bad for children
Athletes caught using steroids should/should not be banned from professional sports for life
Students should/should not have to learn cursive writing
Parents should/should not monitor what their kids are doing online
Social life is/is not more important than academics
Home schooling is more/less effective than public schools
Charter schools are more/less effective than public schools
Social media improves/reduces students reading skills
Social media improves/reduces students writing skills
Violent sports like boxing and MMA should/should not be banned
Sports involving animals should/should not be banned
Violent movies increase/do not increase teen violence
Lotteries should/should not be banned
Sports betting should/should not be legal
Carrying a concealed weapon should/should not be legal
Gun control reduces/does not reduce crime
Praying in school should/should not be legal
Youtube should/should not be legal under 18 years old
Reading Workshop students, the question is what do you do to help your class be a team like this? Patty Mills is a guard for the San Antonio Spurs. They are world famous for their teamwork. A class should be just like a team. All members should work together to make everyone successful. What role do you play in making your class world class?
The strategies in the picture below all help with understanding what you read. Reading Workshop students, your assignment is to pick one strategy, research it, create a Google slide show, and present it to the class.
The slide show needs to explain about the strategy, tell how it helps with comprehension, and how to use it. Demonstrating the strategy should be part of the presentation.
Image from http://www.theclassroomkey.com/tag/reading-strategies
If you knew you could do anything, anything, anything at all, how would you act? Would you be different? Then why not be that way now? Describe yourself as that person that can do anything. Tell about it.
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